Winter Storm Preparedness With winter just around the corner, - TopicsExpress


Winter Storm Preparedness With winter just around the corner, it is time to prepare now for winter storms that may bring power outages due to snow and ice on trees, roofs and power lines. You need to prepare for the possibility of being stranded at your place of work, at home, or on the road due to hazardous road conditions. One of the best measures you can take is to assemble winter supply kits for your home, workplace, and car. Just having the kits at the ready will not only enable you to survive any storm you may encounter, it will greatly decrease the stress and anxiety you and your families face before and during a storm related event. A winter disaster supply kit is simply a collection of basic items you may need in the event of a winter emergency. Assemble the kit in advance of any possible disruption. During an emergency, you may not have time to search or shop for the supplies you need. It is possible that you will have to survive on your own after an emergency. This means having your own water, food, and other essential supplies in sufficient quantity for at least 72 hours. While local officials and relief workers will be on the scene, they may not be able to reach everyone immediately. Help may take hours, days or longer to arrive. Additionally, basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment and telephone may be cut off for extended periods. Your emergency kit needs to contain items to help you manage during these outages. Basic Winter Supply Kit: • Water: (one gallon /person/day) Stockpile a supply of bottled water and replacement tanks for water coolers, etc. In an emergency Snow can also be put in bags or empty containers and used for water. • Food: Store a three day supply of non-perishable food (depending on outside temperature, refrigerated food can be stored outside) • Manual can opener • First Aid Kit • Radio/ Flashlight/ Phones (powered by batteries, solar or crank) • Computers/Lap-tops/E-readers/Tablets (have extra batteries or portable power source) •Pet supplies (water, food, medicine, toys and blankets) • Moist towlettes, garbage bags, plastic bags for personal sanitation. • Wrench to turn off home utilities (if applicable) • Warm, layered clothing (including a windproof and water-resistant outer layer, hats, gloves, sturdy warm shoes, and socks) • Blankets • Sleeping bags • Contact Directory: keep a written record of personal, business, medical, utilities, auto club contacts etc. in case you do not have power. Basic Winter Auto Supply Kit: In addition, you should be prepared in case you are stranded in your car during a winter storm. Having auto emergency items in your car could save your life. Consider having the following in good working condition, they can easily be stored in the trunk/ glove compartment/ under seats: • Jumper cables • Shovel (to dig out of snow/ice) • Ice Scraper/ snow brush • De-Icer for (windows and door locks) • Rope/ chains for towing • Towel/ large rag • Emergency flasher • First Aid Kit • Blankets and warm clothing• Water • Snack bars • Plug in charger for phone/lap top • Radio/ Flashlight/ Phones (powered by batteries, solar or crank) • Contact Directory (personal, business, medical, auto club, etc.) should be on paper in case of power outage. Make sure the following are filled: • Gas tank • Fluids (clean and up to fill level) – Oil, Brake, Transmission, Anti-Freeze, Windshield Washer. Make sure the following items are in good condition: Battery • Windshield wipers (with good visibility) • Spare tire (with working jack) • Tires (with good tread and correct air pressure). For more information on winter emergency preparedness please go to READY.Gov
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 23:34:52 +0000

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