Wish you all A Happy DeepaavaLi / Diwali Deepavali means - TopicsExpress


Wish you all A Happy DeepaavaLi / Diwali Deepavali means lighting up a series of lamps. Om Asato Maa Sat Gamaya - Lead me from Falsehood to Truth Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya - Lead me from darkness/ignorance to light/knowledge Mrutyor Maa Amritam Gamaya - Lead me from death to immortality For an oil lamp to burn, the wick has to be partly in the oil and partly out of the oil. If the wick is drowned fully in oil, it cannot bring the light out. Our life is like the wick of the lamp; we have to be in the world yet remaining untouched by it. If we are drowned in the materialism of the world, we cannot bring joy and knowledge in our life Lamps are lit on this day not just to decorate homes, but also to communicate this profound truth. By lighting the lamp of wisdom in us, we light up hidden values and by acquiring knowledge we awaken all the features of living being. When they are lit and awakened, it is Deepavali or Diwali. Why do we light up series of lights? We do not get satisfied with lighting just one lamp; we light up quite a few as we need to dispel the darkness of ignorance and light up many lives. Bursting crackers: Another profound symbolism for bursting crackers is that we often become like a firecracker, waiting to explode with our pent-up emotions, frustrations and anger. When we suppress our emotions, cravings, aversions, hatred, we reach to a bursting point. Bursting crackers is a psychological exercise to release bottled-up emotions and ease our frustrations. When we let go off these emotions, the serenity dawns and we can experience freshness like a well when we take out stale water and let the well fill with fresh water. Sweets and gifts: They symbolize that dispelling of the bitterness and renewal of friendship. Celebration includes the spirit of seva or service. Sharing is caring. In giving, we experience the light and love in our heart. The lamp of abundance in our home; the lamp of compassion to serve others; the lamp of knowledge to dispel the darkness of ignorance and the lamp of victory over evil (Ramas victory over Ravana) and finally the lamp of gratitude for the abundance that the Divine has bestowed on us. Dr. Murali Karanam Sri Rama Nama Setu
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:44:06 +0000

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