With a recent New York Times article calling Shonda Rhimes an - TopicsExpress


With a recent New York Times article calling Shonda Rhimes an angry black woman and efforts by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg to kill the bossy label for female leaders, do you think the view of women in the workplace is getting better or worse? A. Worse. Women like Rhimes are tagged with stereotypes that prevent them from being properly recognized for their achievements. B. People are overreacting. The Times article used “angry black woman” as a rhetorical device. Rhimes creates black heroines who are strong and who, yes, sometimes get angry. C. I don’t think the article should have called Rhimes that and women do face barriers that men do not in the workplace. But gender stereotypes are not as strong as they once were. D. Who cares if you get called something you don’t like? Just do your job well and shake off insults like this. Neither men nor women can be liked and respected by everyone.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 19:01:02 +0000

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