With all of the be-headings that we are seeing these days from - TopicsExpress


With all of the be-headings that we are seeing these days from ISIS, it is understandable that many people seem to think that Islam is the Beast power described in the books of Daniel and Revelation. But most people fail to realize that the Papacy created Islam in the 6th Century. The Vatican created Islam for the express purpose of pitting them against the Jews and Christians, and thereby giving the Pope an excuse to later-on step in as the Messiah to bring so-called Peace to all religions! This strategy in Latin is termed Solve et Coagula which means Solution and Coagulation. Simply put, this means that the Vatican creates the problem so that they can pretend to be the solution. *Example: Man with ski-mask mugs an old lady and steals her purse and then runs off. The same man removes the ski-mask, changes his clothes and then comes back to help the old lady who has just been mugged! *End Result: The Villain looks like a hero! Do not be deceived people, the REAL Beast Power is Rome! See the blog:
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 08:06:32 +0000

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