With all the different videos being posted on social media about - TopicsExpress


With all the different videos being posted on social media about the Israelis and the Palestinians, sometimes I watch the other sides videos to see how they view us. They shockingly portray Jews as the terrorists and call us the monsters! I watched a video of this British woman yelling at Israeli soldiers because they were arresting three 11 year old boys; the British woman saying they were too young to be arrested. When children dont act like children (as shown in this video) they DO deserve to be arrested. These are not children people, they are TERRORISTS IN TRAINING!!! Its so sad because they are being brought up to hate! It is not Israels fault that these kids are brainwashed, it is fanatic Islam and organizations like Hamas, Islamic Jihad and dozens more that are responsible for death of their own people! Imagine what these kids will become in 10 years from now; that is if they dont blow themselves up in a suicide bombing before they even reach that age. TO ALL THE PRO-PALESTINIAN PEOPLE: If you really care about the Palestinian people, you would support Israel in their fight against these terrorists. The IDF is not only fighting for the peace of the Jewish people, they are fighting for the peace of the innocent Palestinians who want to be free of Hamas! Israel is the only country in the Middle East where an Arab is free and has equal rights, and if you dont believe me do your research and look it up! When Gaza was given to the Palestinian people they promised to turn it into the Singapore of the Middle East but instead theyve spent the last 10 years turning it into one of the most unbearable places on the planet! Im tired of seeing all these anti-semetic postings about Israel just because our death toll is significantly lower. If Hamas defended their people the way the IDF has defended its people from the THOUSANDS, I repeat THOUSANDS of rockets that have been shot into Israel then their death toll would be low too. It is a true fact that Hamas hides missiles in schools, hospitals and civilian homes where families with children live, so excuse me when I say that I am confused as to how this is Israels fault?! I guarantee you will never find the same in the home of an Israeli! The Hamas organization are not Freedom Fighters like they are being portrayed as in many videos, they are flat out TERRORISTS! The world needs to realize that Israel is not Anti-Palestinian, they are Anti-Terrorism. Stop being ignorant... Its not helping the resolution!
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:43:05 +0000

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