With all the media attention Robin Williams sad death is getting, - TopicsExpress


With all the media attention Robin Williams sad death is getting, I think mental illness is gaining more awareness in our consciousness. I loved Robin Williams. He was absolutely brilliant and made me laugh so many times. The truth is there are lots and lots and lots of brilliant, beautiful, selfless, genuine, talented, and amazing people out there suffering from all kinds of mental illnesses. Depression, PTSD, Panic Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, etc. Sometimes they see no way out, and suicide becomes the only option in their minds. Their pain is so great, it is unbearable. I want to thank the people in my life who fight the good fight every single day to help those suffering from mental illness. More people need to be aware of the sacrifice mental illness professionals make to relieve the suffering and prevent suicide every single day. These counselors, social workers, nurse practitioners, CBRS workers, group home workers, and doctors work incredibly hard, hearing time and time again the pain of our world, and giving compassion to those who feel alone. They dont make millions of dollars doing it (not even close), the work can be incredibly draining (ongoing nightmares and residual trauma and PTSD from clients), and yet they continue to fight the good fight. Thank you my friends: Jennifer Oswald Kerner, Quinn Thibodeau, Jaxson Stark, Bonita Avery, Donna Gunter Emfield, Zakery Warren David Spencer, Sara Colson, Richie Kuipers Dr. Craig Denny, Dr. Fran Acoba, Dr. Elizabeth Hay, Dr. Dan McGrath, Dr. Alice Gray, Dr. Rosa Maria Mulser, Dr. Thana Singarajah, Dr. Stephen DeNagy, Elizabeth Bentley, Dr. Janet Orme Allen, Dr. Gracie A. Blackmon Hargraves, Travis Wilson, Shawn LaPray, Cathy Kotter, Kirsten Lee Griggs, and Ken Christian Thank you to all the mental health agencies in my community who do great work, and thank you to all other friends in this mental health profession I may have forgotten to mention. I have more heros, heroines, and mentors in this profession than I could ever count. Some have helped me through my own pain, and some have guided me in my journey. They have no idea how much they have done for me and others theyve touched. My hope for the future is that there will be more compassionate awareness, more money for more research, and more acceptance of the reality of mental illness in our community, in our state, in our country, and in our world.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 19:36:16 +0000

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