With regards to the various sports calling themselves football - TopicsExpress


With regards to the various sports calling themselves football here are their origin stories: Association Football, or soccer, is a sport that has no clear origin story, and is believed likely to have been as a result of warfare, with beheadings, and almost certainly originated in western Europe, who were constantly at war and beheading prior leaders, especially in Germany and to a lesser extent Great Britain, though the practice undoubtedly also occurred in nearby France, Spain and Portugal, and to a lesser extent in virtually every country on Earth. Sports similar to soccer existed in ancient times, in Egypt and Greece, and it can be dated back certainly over 1,000 years, and possibly 3,000 years ago or more. In spite of this, it wasnt formalised until 1796. Rugby was invented originally simply as alternative rules for soccer, in 1823, but became a sport in its own right in 1871, though earlier versions of soccer had many alternatives, many of which more closely resembled current rugby. We now refer to this as Rugby Union, at least in countries where Rugby League was played. Gaelic football was invented in Ireland in 1884, and formalised in 1887, as an Irish version of soccer, which was distinctly different to rugby. Like rugby, it was played as much as 700 years ago, as one of many version of soccer. Australian Rules Football was invented in 1857, based largely on the rugby version of soccer, but with some alterations, and some claim it is based on the Australian Aboriginal sport of Marn Grook, which has some similarities with it, which was created for cricket players in Australia to keep fit over winter. It was formalised in 1897, though it did not become a national league until 1989. American Football, also called Grid Iron, was invented in 1869 as a simpler version of Rugby Union which was far less dangerous (and also less dangerous than rugby league), becoming formalised in 1892. Rugby League, a less dangerous version of rugby union, was invented between 1895 and 1907 and was officially invented simultaneously in both England and Australia, though the Australian versions are what are currently played, largely due to England not recognising Rugby League as a sport until 2007.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:02:20 +0000

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