„With the decision of the new Government of Iceland to put - TopicsExpress


„With the decision of the new Government of Iceland to put accession negotiations on hold, the accession process has come to a standstill. Let me be crystal clear: Iceland remains an important partner for the European Union and we stand ready to reinforce our relations at any moment. We on our side have not disengaged. Whenever, and if ever, Iceland wishes to do so, the Commission would be ready to resume work on negotiations which have reached an advanced stage. And I remain confident that we could come to an outcome beneficial and positive for all sides.“ Fule sagði afstöðu Evrópusambandsins vera að hag þess og Íslands væri best borgið með nánum tengslum: „Okkur þykir aðildarferlið besti vettvangur þeirra tengsla. Við höfum bæði viljann og getuna til að fylgja því eftir.“
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:14:25 +0000

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