With the recent passing of a rather close friend of mine, I have - TopicsExpress


With the recent passing of a rather close friend of mine, I have decided that I want to honor him by reaching out to those I am connected with. When it comes to my Facebook friends list, I have probably met close to 99% of you amazing people in real life....face to face....you said something and then I said something, and then we repeated it :). Of those 99%, the time we shared could have varied from years of seeing each other to a single remarkable conversation over drinks, time spent was varied and not always accounted for. Quite a few of you had the joy of spending the best four years of your life (*smirk*) with me in high school (or even earlier, or later in college). But there I was a just a meek kid, being weird and goofy with everyone else trying to figure out our places in the world...a place so much more glamorous than the 8-hour days within the brick confines of high school. A lot of you might know me from work, where we teamed up fighting the system and always spent wayyyy too much time somewhere that wasnt quite as glamorous as my teenaged dreams had hoped for. But we did it together....all of those hours, days, months, and years spent together. Some of you may have met me roaming the town, where Ive been known to (at times) grow out of that shy guy persona and really get to let it all loose, so to speak. The times are usually quick but the memories (maybe not all of them *smile*) will last forever. And my favorite of you, the ones who I am extremely lucky to call family, blood or not, its those ties that will never sever and I am so blessed because of you. Youve been there during my ups, my downs, and my diagonallys, and somehow we are still thick as thieves. Its the few of you that time apart really means nothing for when we are back together, everything just falls into perfect place. But nonetheless, if you and I have only really spoken once in a decade or if we talk every day, each one you has marked a special spot in my heart and I thank you for that. I am ever so grateful that I have such amazing memories to look back on and even continue to make. But like I said, I want to honor the amazing personality my friend had by reaching out to all of you. Thank you for being who you are....thank you for making me smile, because I know each one of you has definitely done more than that for me at one point in time. Youve made me laugh and youve made me live. I truly consider myself a lucky man to have such a network of brilliant and caring friends. Ive come to learn that life is much better spent loving and living than to be afraid and put joyous feelings aside for later. So here is to you, Stratis Kostoglou, your time with us may have been cut short but because of you, I will be a stronger man and you will truly be missed by so many.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 08:59:17 +0000

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