With winter on the doorstep, Gaza’s people remain - TopicsExpress


With winter on the doorstep, Gaza’s people remain outdoors,,, More than 11000 homes, towers and buildings have been destroyed by the Israeli bombing that has left hundreds if not thousands of families homeless. They are unable to find shelter from the heat of the sun and now they have no refuge from the harsh winter. Gaza needs years to rebuild after the destruction and to help the homeless and displaced to acquire shelter. I have visited many of the damaged places. You will not believe what I am going to say. I have seen families sleep under the ruins, families sleep in tents beside their damaged houses and more painfully families sleep in the streets waiting for…. waiting for someone to save them from these harsh conditions. I was banned from taking pictures of these families as they have girls and women and they refuse to be an example. When I asked some families “why don’t you rent an apartment for a few months so you can be ok?” They answered sadly “our homes were flattened before we could get our money and gold. Now we don’t have money to rent an apartment.” Other families critically said “as if Israel has left apartments to live in.” These are some of the consequences of this war. Families sleep and cook in the streets and under the ruins and remnants of their homes. No money to rent houses and no apartments left to inhabit. The world must be held accountable. The world must answer: what will these families do in the winter? Where will they go? Where will they live? How will we help families psychologically dead but physically alive to survive? My people are dying and some of the countries think that the war has ended; Gaza is fine. I say a big NO, Gaza, the people and the infrastructure are still seriously injured and need all of you to rescue the ancient architecture, to reconstruct the skyline and help the families, civilians and children from an existent and imminent disaster with winter on the doorstep, imagine what would happen to these families and their children. I personally would like all the world to know about the consequences of the Israeli aggression: Israel has committed crimes that have far-reaching negative side effects on our people. Families need years to recover our lives in all forms. Israel has destroyed our infrastructure, has spoiled the water and the air and has done everything that is painful to our people. 50 days of genocide, massive destruction and committing all means of torture needs years to recover and to stand on our feet again. Please people, please humans, don’t forget Gaza’s people and their suffering with the passage of time. Our pain and misery is unbearable, keep doing your best to finish the occupation, to put an end to the Israeli savageness and eventually to help Gaza and its people and children live in safety, peace and security. Photos: some photos I have taken during my going to Alshojaeya Neighborhood. They show the tents people live in these days near the damaged homes. please see all the photos then judge how Israel has left us harshly homeless.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 13:19:07 +0000

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