Without having the official medium of exchange, you couldn’t - TopicsExpress


Without having the official medium of exchange, you couldn’t purchase anything. Lacking the ability to buy, either by credit, debit, or cash, you couldn’t even obtain the basic necessities of life. Going to the grocery store to pick up some food would be impossible. Rent or mortgage bills would go unpaid. Utility companies would be forced to turn off your services because of overdue bills. Even filling up your tank at the gas or petrol station would become a thing of the past. No one would be willing to sell you anything, because you wouldn’t have the means to pay for their goods. In addition, no one could buy anything from you, because you couldn’t receive payment through the Beast’s Mark system. Of course, you would also be fired from your job, because just like the social security number of today, the mark of the Beast will be required for employment. Besides, how could anyone pay you for your services if you refused to take the payment in “Marks”? Most employers have already forced their employees to take paychecks as electronically deposited payments. Even the practice of getting salaries in the form of a check had long ago replaced receiving payment in cash. Refusing the Mark would mean no job, no income, no social security, no welfare, no food stamps, no assistance programs, no medical benefits, no health care, no use of public transportation, and no official identity that is approved by the government. You would become an illegal citizen and identified as a threat to the New World Order. We are going to see in this section that there is only a fine line between the growing system of electronic payments and the establishment of the mark of the Beast. Just as we can see the skeleton of the seven-headed, ten-horned Empire-Beast already taking shape, so too is the world moving ever closer to having the capability to inaugurate the Mark.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 04:35:59 +0000

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