Woke up to barking outside the window in our yard. Realized 2 - TopicsExpress


Woke up to barking outside the window in our yard. Realized 2 strange dogs were barking into the cow/pig pen. They ran off when we went outside. We then discovered they had chewed and tunneled into the rabbit colony. Pepper was killed. Dig Dug was paralized and died briefly after we discovered her, Patchouli was in shock and gasping for air. 2 of the brand new (1 week old) babies were killed. No sign of Cadbury or Milton. Discovered the other 2 1 week olds safe under the hay. Patchouli died in my arms. As we were walking the perimeter of the pig pen I saw white fur at the bottom of the fence. I realized right away it was Cadburys. We found her underneath the oak tree in the pig pen. I have no idea how she made it 20 yrds from the colony through the 4 inch field fencing into the pen, but its what saved her. They were barking in frustration at not being about to get to her. They didnt eat my rabbits, they just killed them. While gathering my dead momma rabbits I discovered a nest of 7 brand new (as in born today kits) Dig Dug had her liter today. Cadbury is inside under a heat lamp, we are hoping she will recover from her shock, but it is not likely. If she dies all 9 orphaned babies will also die. If she lives there is a good chance she will adopt the new liter and raise them. Still no sign of Milton. I really hope he made it out. The fencing around the rabbit colony is covered in blood from the dogs chewing through the wire to get in. I am exhausted and heart broken. I would bet money these are the animals that killed my ducks. Thankful we found Cadbury and praying she makes it. Thankful we brought the 1 month olds in the house last week. If these dogs set foot on our property again it will be the last thing they do. I dont believe in killing someones dogs but after witnessing the massacre that just happened of my beloved animals I will take the shot myself. If you know someone on Foxfire with a long haired black dog and a shorter hair brown dog I suggest you tell them to lock up their animals. There will be no warning shot this time. Im done.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 08:41:40 +0000

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