Women have to ask themselves certain things about a man before - TopicsExpress


Women have to ask themselves certain things about a man before considering him as a serious contender, and possibly as a husband. Ive compiled a list of 7 things women should ask themselves before taking a man seriously. Avoid at your own risk. 1. Do other men look up to him in any capacity? The test of true leadership for a man is the ability to inspire other men to follow him. Having a large female following doesnt count. Men follow other men. We follow strength. We typically avoid weakness. 2. Does he live by a moral code? Just because he labels himself a Muslim or a Christian, a Moor or a Hebrew Israelite doesnt mean morality governs his heart. What code of conduct does he really go by in life? Jesus said youll know a tree by the fruit it bears. Does he use religion or knowledge as a tool for getting women into bed? Or does he genuinely live out the moral principles his belief system espouses? These are things you need to know. 3. How are his relationships with his own family members: particularly sisters and mother, aunts and female cousins? If he can break ties with his own mother, daughter, sister or aunts: you best believe he wont have a problem walking out on you when things get rough. So buyer beware. 4. What has he completed in his life? Is he a finisher: or just a really good starter who gets bored quickly before dropping something he started for something else more attention-catching? Stable men tend to finish what they start. We hold on and tough things out to completion. Beware the man whos always starting a thing but never bringing it to full fruition. Though he may start off meaning well, he most likely lacks the discipline to see things through. And that doesnt bode well for a relationship or a marriage. Marriage takes discipline, like most other accomplishments in life. Just something to think about. 5. This one is simple but its a biggie: Does he work??? Im not talking about hustling home made CDs or dime bags of weed. Does he have an actual moneymaking skill that wont get him locked up? Is he employable? Any grown man who cant get hired for a meaningful money making job should be avoided like herpes. Unless you dont mind playing the role of a sugar mama. 6. Is he growing in life? This includes mentally, spiritually, in his work life, etc. Does he have a plan for his life, one that includes personal elevation? Or is he content to just veg out in front of the playstation all day long, waiting on the Grim Reaper to make his final visit? A man without a plan cant take you anywhere. He doesnt even know where hes going himself! And you know what they say: if you dont have a destination in mind, any road will take you there. 7. Is he a fighter? Or is he one of those go along to get along type of guys: the kind whos easy to run over and push around? Im not suggesting you get with a guy whos an over emotional rah-rah dude with a hair trigger temper. But you definitely want a guy who can at the very least stand up and defend you if something jumps off. Does he allow bill collectors to handle him any kind of way? Does he stand up for himself: even to you? Or does he let you walk all over him? Not here to judge: just to enlighten your thought process a little. Its not about meeting the perfect man. That guy doesnt exist. Its about making wise relationship choices that takes your life to higher heights and deeper depths: and does the same for your mate. Quality over quantity ladies. Remember: you attract what you are. Its time to start thinking and being quality. God bless.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 17:03:21 +0000

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