Women‘s Reservations Unconstitutional The proposed bill to - TopicsExpress


Women‘s Reservations Unconstitutional The proposed bill to create reserved constituencies for women for parliament and state legislatures is unconstitutional. Law Unconstitutional It is unconstitutional because it violates the fundamental rights granted by the constitution to every citizen. The founding fathers wanted democracy for India and not dictatorship by the rich and powerful. These people are so rich that they can easily finance the election campaigns of many candidates and the only thing they really want to ensure is ‘Power’ through this conspiracy of’ Reserved constituencies for women’. 1. Existing reservations Basis The extraordinary circumstances which are the basis present existing reservations immediately after independence are not applicable to the law under question. Extraordinary circumstances The basis for the reserved constituencies for Scheduled castes and Scheduled tribes are extraordinary. The common factor for both these groups is Segregation caused by totally different causes. That made the communication difficult and the education of these communities became a tremendous task. Education is the key for progress and needed for democracy to function. That was the primary reason for reserved constituencies. Those were the times when electronic communications which we take for granted now did not exist in these remote places. In contrast present is the age of instant communications with cell phones and video conferences. The founding fathers realized that the government needed help to help the people in these communities. For example a person who is not knowledgeable about the geography or speak the language in a tribal area can not be helpful in deciding where a hospital or school needs to be built. Even for these reservations there was lot of opposition because it touches the fundamental rights of all citizens. To draw a parallel to the above circumstances to create more reservations after 60 years of independence for different disadvantaged groups is an admission of the incompetency of our leaders and a conspiracy for power. This is precisely the reason why many leaders opposed the idea of reserved constituencies. Reserved constituencies and issues Because of the above extra-ordinary condition Reservations were allowed for limited time even though they were complete aware that: They are anti-democratic and weaken the democratic foundations of the country. Does not allow for the best available to serve the community. Hence unworthy governments could get power that can not protect the interests and advance the country. The security and integrity of the country could be at stake. It is very difficult to take away such privileges because there are people who can reward and buy political support turning this into a corrupt political enterprise. They tried very hard not to hand over the country to ‘Parliamentary Dictators;’ whose ambition is power and not the integrity and prosperity of the country. They knew very well that there are many other disadvantaged and deserving categories for reservations. For example, poor, handicapped, military, teachers, policemen Etc. But these do not meet the extraordinary circumstances stated above. As long as opportunities for better education exist, the most important role of the govt besides security is met. Special privileges, Power brokers representing the beneficiaries and corrupt leaders with money form a vicious circle feeding each other turn this into a corrupt political enterprise and a gangster business. It is a fact of life that it is easier to manipulate and exploit the week. When these leaders are looking for extension of these privileges, it is easier for the ruling party to exploit these groups which is a true danger for the security and integrity of the country. The founding fathers tried very hard not to hand over the country to ‘Parliamentary Dictators;’ whose ambition is power and not the integrity or prosperity of the country. Scheduled Castes: The basis is the untouchability. They outlawed the untouchability and founding fathers felt that best way to serve the segregated community is make the constituency reserved. Then their representative is responsible for understanding, communicating their needs of the people to the government and explaining their role in the governance. Scheduled Tribes: These are communities living in remote areas where even transportation and travel are a challenge and where majority do not speak the majority language of the state. Again the communication to the people is the basis for these reservations. The founding fathers felt that best way government can serve these communities is to make the people for that trible responsible to help implement government programs and plans. 2. Proposed Reservations Present We came a long way from the time of independence. Women served as prime ministers, presidents, chief ministers, party presidents and in the fields of technology. They have proven that they can stand global competition and become successful. Each community wants best educators, doctors, lawyers. Every company wants best employees for their company. No country can afford mediocrity. Don’t they want the best legislator for their constituency regardless of their gender, religion? What a common man or woman needs now is educational opportunities, private sector that can find and utilize bright minds that can help to grow the company and there by create more opportunities locally and a local police dept which can can respond in time of need. How a woman legislator is better suited to help a woman because of her gender? How the role model of a woman elected in a reserved constituency help them prepare for global competition? This is a dream and not a realistic expectation. The dreams of the elected women and their leaders come true but for the rest it is just a dream. Celebrated women leaders like Sarojini Naidu opposed reservations for women. The proposal is nothing more than a conspiracy to cover the truth by confusion and use that as a vehicle to short circuit the democratic process. 3. Real Motive, money and plan Motive This is a ploy to shortcut the democratic process by creating more groups with reserved constituencies that can be easily exploited to buy power. It is much cleaner to handle few power brokers. Money The candidates opposing the rich will never be able to raise enough money to run a campaign because people tend to give money base based on the history, contributions to their constituency and the knowledge about the candidate. By using the rotation or lottery etc, what people are provided is confusion in place of an opportunity for rational assessment of the candidate. In the absence of any rational means of assessment based on facts, money wins the elections by default. That is what they really want. Plan Reducing the available pool of candidates because of their gender, Party chooses family members of their incumbent to cash in the popularity and win. Ordinary men and women have no chance at all because money rather than the character becomes the major force. Once they are successful in passing this, they can perpetuate this for ever because it is like writing your own check. Basically follow the same routine every 10 or 15 years. Other facts to consider The Constitution, fundamental rights or future of the country are secondary. The truth of this statement can be easily seen in the sachaar committee recommendations. They want to carve reserved-like constituencies for muslims to make sure that Muslims only get elected from that constituency. There are many religions in this country Jews, Christians, Jains , Buuddists etc. Unless they want to divide this country into religion based constituencies which could lead to division of the country, this seems like insane proposal to any person with rational thinking, unity and integrity of India. Election Commission Recommendation Election Commission is proposed that there should be 33% seat allocation for women. The merit of this proposal over reserved constituency is that it does not violate the fundamental rights. 4. Appeal We appeal to you to declare this bill unconstitutional and save the democracy. MAANOJ RAKHIT ON RELIGION AND HISTORY maanojrakhit/
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:38:38 +0000

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