Women should take care of each other: Jennifer Garner said in an - TopicsExpress


Women should take care of each other: Jennifer Garner said in an interview with People Magazine: She’s spoken openly about her love of homemade baby food and of her devotion to breastfeeding, but Jennifer Garner says she’ll never assume superiority over another mom. In fact, the 37-year-old actress — mom to Violet Anne, 4, and Seraphina Rose Elizabeth, who just turned 1 — says that “women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers” is a disturbing trend she “can’t abide.” “It just makes me crazy, whether it’s between staying at home, going to work, how long you breastfeed, if you use formula … I feel like we should just assume everyone is doing the best they can. Women should take care of each other, not tear each other down.” She adds, “I would just like to see a mother who really believes that she has done it all so right, you know what I mean?” We are on the same page Jennifer. Unless a mother is putting her child in harms way in some means, WE are NO better than any other mother out there. We make different choices, yes, and we parent differently, yes...(do we sometimes question another mothers actions? Perhaps. Should we rub it in her face? No) Quite frankly, Im sick of other mothers who do act as though they are superior in one way or another. No one is perfect. Period. This post may ruffle some feathers....but it may make women think. Get over yourself and support other mothers out there. We all struggle with the decisions we have to make for our children. And it is a HUGE responsibility that most of us do NOT take lightly. Their little lives are in our hands. The saying It takes a village to raise a child well its true. So lets come together and stop criticizing every move someone else makes. You may not know everything behind the decision, so who are you really to judge?
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 20:41:55 +0000

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