Word Opposite M major minor male female man woman many few, - TopicsExpress


Word Opposite M major minor male female man woman many few, some marriage divorce married divorced, single to marry to divorce master servant maximum minimum mean generous to melt to freeze men women to mend to break mess order midnight noon minimum maximum minor major to miss to hit, to catch moderate extreme modern ancient, old monarchy republic moon sun more less morning evening mountain valley much little N narrow broad, wide nasty nice, pleasant native foreigner, stranger natural artificial near distant, far negative affirmative nephew niece never always new ancient, old nice awful, nasty niece nephew night day no yes nobody everybody noisy quiet, silent noon midnight none of al lof normal strange north south not yet already nothing everything to notice to ignore now then O occasionally frequently occupied vacant odd even off on often seldom, sometimes old modern, new, young on off to open to close, to shut open closed, shut opponent supporter order mess ordinary special other same out in outside inside outskirts centre over under P parents children part whole partial total particular general to pass to fail past future, present peace war to permit to forbid to plant to harvest plenty lack pleasant awful polite rude poor rich, wealthy poverty wealth powerful weak presence absence present past, future pretty ugly private public probably certainly professional amateur to protect to attack protection attack public private to pull to push pupil teacher to push to pull Q question answer quick slow quiet loud, noisy R to raise to lower rainy sunny rear front to receive to send to reduce to increase to refuse to agree, to accept regret satisfaction to remember to forget to repair to damage to reply to ask reply question republic dictatorship, monarchy to rest to work rich poor right left, wrong to rise to sink rough gentle, smooth, soft rude polite rural urban
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:42:14 +0000

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