Word for Today: Knowing this that scoffers will come in the last - TopicsExpress


Word for Today: Knowing this that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts and saying, Where is the promise of HIS coming? 2 Peter 3:3&4 What kind of person would pull a sneak attack but one who is a coward and knows that it is the only way to win over superior foe. In reality it would be human, for the LORD does not work the same way as man. GODS Ways are Far above ours and HIS knowledge is so far above ours that we are total Idiots in the light of HIM. Peter goes on to tell us that these scoffers will say that nothing has changed since the fathers fell asleep, or died, and that all is the same. Peter warns those who think in such ways that Indeed the Day of the LORD will come as a thief in the night, but not because of no warning, but because of the complacency of mankind. The Father sent Many Prophets to Israel before they were overthrown and taken captive. HE sent Many signs in the land before the siege ramps were put up. HE is doing the same today as HE sends signs and Prophets to Warn us of HIS coming. HE has sent Pastors to Encourage us to Draw near to the LORD that we might be ready and watching for the signs of HIS appearing. For well over a 100 years people have stood to proclaim the news that HE was on HIS way for HE wants, especially, HIS Church to not be caught unaware and we are to comfort one another with the words of HIS coming. There is, of course, another reason for this proclamation and that is that the Church is to be Doing the Business of the Father, in alerting folks of what is coming. Daniel was told to seal up his prophesy until the times of the end. Peter spoke of the Joel passage about the Spirit being poured out. There may be disagreements about how all the Day of the LORD will be accomplished but most will agree that it is Coming and many believe that it is not far off. Those in the days of the Prophets of Israel scoffed as well and questioned, they even got to the place that the did not want to hear the Prophets and went as far as to imprison them and as the parables speak the beat some, stoned some and killed some, because they believed their Religion was sufficient, when GOD wanted their hearts. HE does say, Love the LORD your GOD with all your hearts, minds, soul, and strength, because that is What HE Wants. Though we may think that we are in good shape, our pastors push the envelope to push us to reexamine where just exactly we are in our walk. The Word of GOD is preached to teach us but also to move us in the direction of Walking Closer with GOD. The feel good kind of messages are the kind we all like to hear and we need to hear them, but we also need to hear the hard stuff. Many do not want to hear the hard stuff, so they tend to drift to where they can have their ears tickled, a place where they can Feel good about themselves and not have to make any effort to do better. They are deceived into thinking that they are Without spot of Wrinkle and even if they are a little off, its ok because their works will make up the difference. I hope that those who read this will not be like those of the past and promptly dismiss it as, Just another kook, telling us the End of the World is Coming, and then go along their way. Weve all seen the cartoons of those with sign placards saying that the end is near, and had a good laugh, but as we see things unfold in our time, its not so funny. Some of the Church has become an Abomination to the LORD as it calls what is Evil, good and what is Good, evil. The World has forgotten the GOD that they claimed not so very long ago, gone is the Christian Europe and United States, as governments presumptuously proclaim the church of Man, exalting man above GOD and effectively leading millions to hell with such things. May the LORD reach all those who will accept HIM, and this is a forgone fact, for the LORD Always Wins and Gets what HE Wants. Each person saved is a step closer to when the LORD will return, Every Child Aborted accelerates that time, for the LORD knows the Day and the Time, and HE is Warning the world of HIS coming. Question is: Will we Believe or Reject? I pray that those who, were like me, and deny Christ will, be like me, and Turn to HIM, for HE is not wanting for us to perish, but that All may come to Repentance. Jesus Loves You!!!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:35:20 +0000

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