Words of Naveen Srivatsav, postgraduate student in the - TopicsExpress


Words of Naveen Srivatsav, postgraduate student in the Netherlands, an avid pnline gamer: The next-generation of games will be explorations of reality without the real-life consequences. Every game technology that is advanced, be it better graphics, better logic, better animation, more complexity, more realistic etc etc - the trend is clear. The net amalgam of all these features is a new generation of reality-reproducing simulations to various degrees of complexity. Hmm its bad socially if it proves to be addictive, basically with the same kind of lifestyle choices and cravings a drug addict would have to his drug of choice, to game to the exclusion of all else. Sure. There are studies which shows when a Westerner playing a game meant for Japanese teenage boys picks up Japanese culture better and faster than learning it in a Japanese class. That is the level of being-there immersion games can have. While someone like a stereotypical dad is stuck in some blind mindset that games are for kids, just like cartoons and comics are for kids, these are mediums that have adapted, evolved and been co-opted for various purposes. But more and more gaming is a medium, just like film is a medium, photography is a medium. One game developer even philosophizes that games are like reality experiments. You can literally take one aspect of reality, make a game around it and from playing it you understand that reality better. So its a medium, and among mediums it is the most interactive. You cant play with a painting, you cant change a movie by pressing buttons but games you can. You directly manipulate your experience of that content with your intentions and actions.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:18:45 +0000

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