Words of a man: I learned as a man, we have to stop trying to - TopicsExpress


Words of a man: I learned as a man, we have to stop trying to CONTROL a strong minded women. In that same regard, we have to STOP placing labels on women, as “submissive” or “non-submissive”. A weak woman and a submissive woman are not the same. Strong women are constantly misunderstood as “crazy” or “annoying” by weak males who aren’t man enough to handle her. Shes not “crazy” she’s passionate. She’s not “bipolar” she just treats people differently, based off how THEY treat HER. She’s not “talking back” she just speaks her mind, despite what anyone feels or thinks about it. A strong minded woman will NEVER be submissive to a weak man. If she sees he cannot assume the Alpha role, she will walk all over him. A strong minded woman will happily submit herself mentally to a strong man who mentally DEMANDS her respect with his mentality, who can respect her enough NOT to try and change her and who can assume the ALPHA role. The reason many men don’t wife or cuff strong minded women, or say they don’t date women of their own race is, because he subconsciously feels inferior to her intelligence. “SHUT UP” is a term weak men with limited vocabulary use to silence a woman who speaks her mind. We have to Man up our mentality. If she talks too much, it’s because we as men are not doing enough. Taking control of a woman’s MIND with our conversation will render her SPEECHLESS. The reason strong minded women have a smart mouth & talk back is not because she’s “masculine” NO. She knows she can play a man’s Alpha role better than him, With her intelligence. and can we as men STOP trying to CONTROL a strong woman? Some men say, “but I need a woman to listen to me, not correct me! treat me like a MAN dammit! First of all, how much a woman listens to us is NOT a reflection of how much of a man we are. If a man feels that, he obviously has very low self esteem. Second, by a man choosing ONLY weak, submissive women who he KNOWS will never challenge anything he says, it shows he is SCARED of a woman’s strength. If the only way a man is attracted or aroused by the company of a woman is if she bows down to him, that is scary, and the early stages of him being on the down low. Yeah, that’s a weak man. A real STRONG man can humble himself to listen to his woman. A KING has no intention of trying to change or CONTROL a queen, he WANTS his woman to be just as strong and outspoken as him, with her OWN mind, because he knows, his woman’s strength is a reflection of his. Iron sharpens iron. As men, we have to allow our strong Woman to be the iron that sharpens our iron. As men, we must STOP choosing to cuff these weak women. A weak female can never compare to a Strong Minded Woman. A strong woman knows how to submit herself mentally. She’s just waiting for a strong man to prove himself worthy who can assume control as the alpha. A weak man knows he isn’t strong enough mentality to play the ALPHA male role. So he cuffs a weak woman so he will be the alpha by default. All men are not dogs. All men are not incapable of being monogamous . All men are not incapable of engaging in deep thought
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 09:24:48 +0000

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