World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part XXXXXXXXXXIV: As a - TopicsExpress


World Peace “Lennon Ivan Style” – Part XXXXXXXXXXIV: As a continuation from my last blog whereby I believe the root of “World Peace” is centered on peace in the Middle East with the first step being negotiated peace between Israel and the Palestinians, I would like to remain objective and independent in my views such that I would like to today bring Iraq into my views as they seem to be the closest at this time to a full fledge civil war of rage like wild animals stuck together in a cage. However, it is important to note that Israel and Palestine seem to be awakening from their hatred induced coma state with the potential for peace negotiations to be resumed in the near future in the United States, while Egypt continues to operate in supremacy domination mode whereby the minority Christian military continues to hold on to power while the Muslim majority is fuming at the seams hoping to awaken from this horrible dream. As for the Syrians, both sides are still in an anger induced coma state for the mentally insane such that millions of Syrians continue to suffer each and every day. In terms of the Russians and Ukrainians, they seem to have entered into a political war game whereby neither party wishes to concede but rather seems to prefer to enter into a civil war and commit dirty deeds. While Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Syrians, Russians and Ukrainians continue along their respective paths toward enlightenment, it is now time for the Iraqis to be enlightened as to the path of quelling their current tensions before any more civil war breaks out which bears the risk of leading to a third and final world war on this earth, after which, there will be no place for anyone left to run. In summary, Observers around the world are stunned by the speed and scope of assaults on every major city in the upper Tigris River Valley, including Mosul, Iraqs second-largest city, by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. However, as the ISIS rebels extend their reach across Iraq, the U.S. Air Force was forced to intervene in order to prevent Genocide while Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki relinquished power opening a new political chapter that U.S. officials hope will move Iraq toward a more unified front against Islamic jihadists currently running wild and literally beheading “Infidels” like pigs without shedding a tear as blood spills out of their victims giving everybody creepy chills. It is important to note that over the past three months, fighters from the Islamic State have targeted cities and areas in northern Iraq and Syria and massacred soldiers and residents, especially those belonging to minority tribes and other Muslim sects and religions. Heres a breakdown of some of the worst attacks by the radical Sunni group: CAMP SPEICHER (560 to 770 people killed); MOSUL (670 people killed); KIRKUK (At least 40 people killed in four villages); YAZIDIS (At least 80 members of the minority religion were massacred); TABQA AIR BASE (120 Syrian soldiers who had been captured were subsequently killed); DEIR AL-ZOUR (700 tribesmen in eastern Syria were killed); Etc. On September 5, 2014, rumors circled that Irans Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has approved co-operation with the US as part of the fight against Islamic State (IS) in Iraq. Rumor has it that Ayatollah Khamenei has authorised his top commander to co-ordinate military operations with the US, Iraqi and Kurdish forces although Iran has traditionally opposed US involvement in Iraq, an Iranian ally. However, Shia Iran sees the extremist Sunni IS group, which views Shias as heretics, as a serious threat. Given that last month US air strikes helped Iranian-backed Shia militia and Kurdish forces break a two-month siege by Islamic State of the Shia town of Amerli, the Ayatollah Khamenei has most likely given his blessings to this collaboration. Without getting into further excessive details, the U.S. and its International allies have done what is necessary to contain ISIS without putting American boots on the ground. However, ISIS is still a military force to be reckoned with on the ground as ISIS has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that although their means of massacring the “Infidels” like pigs may be psychopathic and insane, ISIS is able to take over the opposition positions with old school military style attacks leaving death and destruction in their paths. Therefore, in my opinion, the Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran has made the right choice, albeit the difficult choice from an Iranian perspective, to coordinate efforts with the US as the Ayatollah Khamenei seems to have seen that it is better to work with the Devil that everybody in Iran knows than the Devil that nobody in Iran seems to know and nobody in the Middle East seems to be able to control. That being said, in my opinion, the next critical deal that needs to be sealed is a deal between the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces who follow a normal form of Sunni Islam and President Bashar al-Assad who follows a normal form of Shia Islam to put their differences aside and focus on controlling ISIS in Syria before they annihilate all “Infidels” of which both sides seem to fit the bill on ISIS’s “Hit List” of Heretics to kill. In my opinion, ISIS needs to be hit hard at its core in Syria by moderate Sunni’s themselves to send the message to ISIS and their followers that this is not a war against ISIS based on religion but rather this is a war against ISIS to put an end to their psychopathic maniac ways. However, the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces should simultaneously enter into a ceasefire deal with President Bashar al-Assad whereby President Bashar al-Assad will stop firing at the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, and vice versa, while the Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces fight ISIS on the ground. As crazy as reconciliation between the Sunni Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces and the Shia under President Bashar al-Assad may sound, if the two sides do not stand their ground against ISIS in Syria, ISIS will steam roll over them all and Syria and Iraq as we know it will fall. In summary, I refer to “World Peace Lennon Ivan Style – XXXXXXXXXXIV” as the belief that Iraq & Syria need help to stop ISIS Genocide by standing their ground before ISIS steam rolls over them all and Syria & Iraq as we know it fall. John Lennon – Uncle Albert: youtube/watch?v=g-XZJoKHCtg September 8, 2014
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:03:11 +0000

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