Worst nightmare last night I think I have ever had. Living is some - TopicsExpress


Worst nightmare last night I think I have ever had. Living is some shanty town in Colombia in a dilapidated 3rd world tenement. Coming up the stairs to my apartment is a grizzled old lady laying on the stairs holding an AK47. For some reason she reacts to me being there and snaps off a round which sizzles right through the tricep of my right arm which I can actually feel this happening (Really I think this is a result of a tiny scratch from my dog Grover that is a bit inflamed) But still added enough mental fuel to make this manifest in my dream as really being wounded. Anyhow now I skirt past the crazy lady with the assault weapon start making my way around the corners of a cinder block encased stairwell. By this point she has gone full auto, rounds going right through the cinder blocks and into me, again feeling each impact. Now I make it to the place I believe is my room and start to assess the damage. I am riddled with bullets, so now I start feeling around my skin in my arm and locate multiple rounds under the skin. So I then start sliding them under my skin towards the gaping wound in my arm which is mostly obliterated. The whole time I a begging Jen to take me to a doctor and she is busy doing some inane crap and wont be bothered. So by now I have pulled out about 7 or 8 bullets and notice I was shot in the butt as well, which pretty much plays out the same way as the arm...Its just ruined! Next thing I know I am staggering through the streets and alleys surrounded by dirty little street urchins that are trying to pick my pockets and all the while I am begging anyone I see to get me to a doctor. Then of all people I run into Chevy Chase, and he is essentially being the Ty Web character from Caddyshack and is also living in some squalid tenement and the ghetto of Bogota. Well he is no help so I try moving on and what do you know, he shoots me too. Now I realize I am missing 3 fingers on my right hand and my right foot is shattered beyond recognition. And again I head down the streets bleeding out looking for aid. When I run into an icecream truck that takes me to someone that could help me. And then comes the death squad, they are rounding people up in the streets and arresting them, at which point I realize they are Americans, I identify myself and plead for help. They essentially dismiss me saying I got what I deserved for moving to this shit hole and leaving American soil. The dream goes on but Ill stop here. Ughhh I woke up checked my arm, backside and feet and all is well. Happy to be back in the USA where I can get a freaking ambulance if I have a stubbed toe yet alone shot to Swiss Cheese. Going through a cleanse for the last couple of weeks and I am guessing its the last bit of toxins floating through my blood stream that wanted to say goodbye in an interesting way.... What a nightmare!!!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:40:28 +0000

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