Would you take 10 minutes to send a quick letter to your senator - TopicsExpress


Would you take 10 minutes to send a quick letter to your senator and/or congressman/congresswoman on behalf of author and friend, Katie Ganshert and her family? They are stuck in a terrible situation trying to adopt a darling little girl from the Congo. As an adoptive mom my heart really goes out to them. Here is the letter you can send (or adapt as you feel need) on their behalf: Dear (Senator, Congressman, or Congresswomen __________), My name is (NAME) and I live in (CITY, STATE). Our good friends, Ryan and Katie Ganshert, are adopting a little girl from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Their daughter will be two at the end of May. Her adoption was completed in the DRC in July of 2013. I am writing to ask for your help in uniting this family, and hundreds of families like theirs who are also waiting to bring their children home. Currently the DRC has suspended issuing exit letters, (this letter is issued by the DRC government and is needed for a child to leave the county). The Gansherts adoption is complete and this little girl is their child. They are waiting for a visa from the Consulate but after they receive it they still will not be able to leave because of this suspension. The Department of State sent a delegation to DRC several weeks ago and now a delegation from the DRC is coming to the United States. DRC government officials are saying the suspension was put in place because they have concerns about the welfare of the children who are already in the US. The DRC wants to see these children and the parents and ensure these children are being well taken care of. Why is the DOS not addressing that issue with this delegation? Why are they not contacting families who have children home from the Congo to set up meetings between this DRC delegation and the families? Families with Congolese children at home are MORE than willing to do this, but the DOS has not yet made any plans of this nature. At the present time there are approximately 130 children sitting in DRC with US visas who cannot cross any borders to come home and approximately 500 children are in the adoption process. We need a solution to get these children home. Every day they stay is a day they may get sick and die. DRC is the second poorest country in the world. 40% of children do not make it until their 5th birthday and most people eat only 2-4 meals a week. Recently 31 children died of dysentery at a single orphanage alone. The Gansherts daughter has already contracted malaria twice since theyve been waiting to bring her home. Please, they need your help. Im asking that you please reach out to the Department of State and express your concern for the welfare of these children. Thank you for your time and considering our request. Sincerely, (NAME)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 20:06:06 +0000

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