Wow! OGLE Success Team - Fort Worth Family, I never thought I’d - TopicsExpress


Wow! OGLE Success Team - Fort Worth Family, I never thought I’d say this, but I am so going to miss being with you guys everyday. There is truly nothing like OUR type of environment. I’ll miss the constant laughter, all the crazy shenanigans, but most of all, the camaraderie and support you all have shown. I’ve learned so much from you guys, both professionally and personally. Over the past few weeks, I’ve been treated to so many compliments and so much recognition. I’ve learned of all the ways you guys feel like I’ve impacted you, but it’s really all of you that have had a profound affect on me…from being so open, sharing so much, freely giving of your knowledge, accepting me for the true individual that I am, and showing what having someone’s back is really about. I feel so very special that ALL of my instructors were in the house today. Mrs. Trujillo, you have pushed me (literally and figuratively lol) into so much during my time at OGLE. We are kindred spirits! Though I had enough going on in my life for 10 of me, you convinced me that I could still add several other duties & projects to the list and still excel. I appreciate your mentorship and the bond we share. Michael Verkler, if I was an extrovert, I’d want to be just like you. Your personality is infectious. We can’t help but love you. I’ve pocketed so many tokens from you and your experience as a salon professional. I appreciate all of the extra confidence you’ve given me as a stylist, but even more than that, I appreciate the fact that even though you thought I was fabulous, you never neglected to point out anything I may have missed on those days when I wasn’t on my A++ game. I love you for that because it kept me sharp. Tammy Shirley-Thompson (AKA entertainment central), I think we all feel like you’re our second mom. You give of yourself until there’s nothing left and then you give some more! I don’t know how you do it! You are such an amazing instructor. I think ANYONE could learn this craft from you. You truly have a gift for this and I respect you so much. Chaney Larissa, I don’t think you get enough credit or recognition. You are such an inspirational leader. We all know the many hats you wear and the many personalities you deal with. I don’t think any of us could do it as well as you do, but I hope that I can one day do it with such ease. You genuinely want the best for every one of us and I believe we all are better because of the leadership that YOU show. So, THANK YOU! You are appreciated! I would be remiss not to also say to thanks to all other admissions staff & faculty, especially, Valerie Tillman-Bell, Yesi Castanon Ogle, Destiny Stewart At Ogle, & Terry Buchyn who have all been a support to me personally, each in their own way! This is way too long of a post, but I can’t leave out Jean Nicole Sallee Potter, April Ashford, Daisy Vasquez, & Tiffany Luxvii Clark who I started this journey with! Jean, congrats! Whether you’ve known it or not, you’ve been my accountability partner lol. We’ve been in pretty much the same boat this entire program so how apt it is that we both graduate on the same day! Best wishes with everything! April, so glad you came back and I’m coming to your grad day, whatever I have to do...because I know a part of the journey you’ve made to get here and I want to celebrate with you. I love your enthusiasm, the fact that you’re not scared to touch any type of hair, and your eagerness to learn absolutely everything. Daisy, I feel like you’ve become my little sister! We’ve grown so close over the past few months. I’m so proud of you for coming back. You have my support and I know the OGLE family will rally around you as well. You’re gonna do awesome! Tiff Tiff, such a sweet spirit…I’m inspired by your dedication. You show up everyday and get it done, on little to no sleep. “You’re the real MVP” lol! I absolutely love you & I’m gonna miss-you-much when you go back to NOLA :-( To my success team ladies (artistic team too), keep being awesome leaders! I’ve enjoyed working behind the scenes with all of you and getting to know you all better. Each of you have a place in my heart. Special shout out to Amy Hurst- Green, I feel like you kind of became my right arm. Thanks for being my trusted second opinion and for being proactive & diligent in your efforts (a girl after my own heart)…misunderstood to some, but I get you & I appreciate all of your help! To the student body, thanks for trusting me and supporting me not only as the Success Team President but as a fellow member of the team. To anyone who has ever assisted/shampooed/taken a client for me on those hectic days, thank you! I could really point out specific things about every single one of you, but I trust you know, by the interactions we’ve had, just how much you’ve all made a lasting impression on me. Last, but not least to ALL of the amazing people that sat in my chair over the past 8-10 months, from family, to friends, to complete strangers that have become amazing blessings in my life…none of it would be possible without you, the clients. Thank you for supporting me in this. I’m leaping into the unknown, but I’m excited to embark on this new journey. Keep up with me by LIKING my page, The Mane Coalition!
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:46:55 +0000

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