Wow its Getting Bad Suicides on the increase because of this. - TopicsExpress


Wow its Getting Bad Suicides on the increase because of this. OMG Almost 400 families KICKED OUT of their homes in first half of 2013 1 Sep 2013 08:00 Our investigation reveals evictions and business seizures on the rise - and are pushing people to the brink of suicide Share on printShare on email John Squires and Ben Gilroy on Kennycourt stud farm, Co KildareJohn Squires and Ben Gilroy on Kennycourt stud farm, Co Kildare Debt-ridden Irish citizens are being driven to despair as hard-hearted banks evict them from their homes and seize their businesses, an Irish Mirror Investigation can reveal. Official figures show almost 400 families were cruelly kicked out of their houses during the first half of the year. During the week there were the dramatic scenes at Kennycourt stud farm in Co Kildare as locals padlocked themselves around the 120-acre farm to stop the receivers and gardai from entering the site. The farm has been at the centre of a legal battle between owner Eugene McDermott and a number of financial institutions, including the former Anglo Irish Bank. Although the blockade was successful on Wednesday, the receivers managed to gain entry to the property early on Thursday morning. Yesterday over 200 campaigners gathered at the property to try and reclaim the farm. Ben Gilroy, of People for Economic Justice, said: “There are a lot of us here. We are making a stand. “This is middle-Ireland taking a stand.” Gardai and bailiffs enter the stud farm With nearly 100,000 households at least three months behind with their mortgage repayments at the end of June, the numbers being left with no roof over their heads is expected to escalate in the months ahead. Tragically, as the number of evictions and business seizures spirals, so too will the death toll, it is feared. Ben added: “We are already seeing it. Men taking their own lives because they can’t cope with the financial strain and fear of losing everything they’ve worked so hard for.” The campaigner was speaking to the Irish Sunday Mirror as he travelled to another farm where a man is on suicide watch because banks are trying to take his property. Ben revealed: “He has young kids and he just can’t take it. “It’s just hard to believe what is going on but that is the shame of Ireland.” While most of us just see the figures, Ben witnesses the real-life heartbreaking stories behind the headlines and the catastrophic consequences for innocent taxpayers who are being made to pay for the sins of “corrupt” bankers. He said: “Who is bailing out the ordinary people whose homes and businesses are being taken from them? Nobody. “I was talking recently to the son of a farmer who killed himself because the banks were trying to take his farm. He told me in the week leading up to his dad’s death he could hear him crying on the phone to the bank trying to sort something out. Gardai and bailiffs enter the stud farm “After his death two of his children attempted to make an appointment with the bank and they were told to send an agent instead because the bank wanted ‘to keep emotions outside the door’. “That is what we are dealing with here. The problem is that the cause for these suicides is not often public knowledge so people don’t know the real reason. If you’ve built up a business over a period of time and feed your family from it, it’s a huge blow to have that taken from you, especially when all you’ve done is work hard. “People are taking their lives because of it and the true numbers are hidden.” Johnny Squires knows how easy it is to think you might be better off dead. Currently in a court battle with the banks to hold on to his family home in Meath, the 54-year-old revealed: “I went through that phase. I felt shame for my family and felt so demoralised. “I thought financially my family would be better off without me but when I came across Ben and met others in the same situation it made me realise I had to fight back. “I think suicide is in the back of everyone’s mind, I did go there in my mind several times but I just couldn’t do it.” Others though, haven’t had Johnny’s strength. Eviction... bailiffs and gardai at the site He added: “We got a call about a man, just 32, who took his own life because of his financial difficulties and that’s what we have got to stop. He had four children and if we had just got to him, I would have told him to think of his children. There is hope, we’ve got to fight back.” A plasterer by trade Johnny, himself also a father of four, took a mortgage out on his family home to provide the capital to buy other properties and then sell them off. He explained: “I bought the house in the 1990s for just IR£15,000 — it was a derelict cottage at the time. I had an opportunity then to buy another site and began building one-off houses and selling them. “It was all going well, the banks were financing it and everything was fine. I had been in the trade since I was 17 so I knew what I was doing.” But then the bust came. Johnny said: “Things dried up and I tried dealing with the bank but they wouldn’t co-operate. And I ended up borrowing from Peter to pay Paul and fell behind in tax payments.” Because Johnny was self-employed he was not entitled to state support and, unable to make his mortgage repayments, he got a letter seeking repossession and the bank eventually went to court. Johnny, who’s had several heart attacks in the past number of years, said: “They are trying to get an eviction order.” On top of all this his wife has also developed cancer. He added: “Everything caught up with me, I did try to pay what I could and still am making small amounts but we don’t have it. “When you are self-employed and become unemployed you are entitled to nothing. “It makes you despise people who come in from other countries and get all their luxuries and benefits, it our tax paying for that. “My money has gone to pay these bondholders, they don’t sit awake at night worrying, they don’t cry at night. My grandchildren will pay for most of their lives for the problems they’ve caused. “I don’t know what we will do if our home is taken.” “Where is our Government? They are more concerned about corrupt banks than honest hardworking people. We are scraping the bottom of the barrel but we’re getting by.” Ben Gilroy had been to a house earlier that day waiting for the Sheriff to arrive. He said: “Even though it wasn’t me directly affected I felt nervous, it is an awful feeling. “This couple hadn’t the money to pay their mortgage. He had a job in shipping but it went downhill because of the economic downturn and his income fell dramatically. “He is only getting work intermittently and they fell behind in their repayments and now they are being put out on the streets. “Where is their bail-out? “Ordinary people who had no act, part or hand in what happened are suffering.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 07:09:46 +0000

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