Wow….. so am 21 today? Imagine how time flies and how things - TopicsExpress


Wow….. so am 21 today? Imagine how time flies and how things change, with everything that has happened to me I never thought for one day that I will get to this point of my life, it was like I wasn’t going to survive but here I am smiling, laughing, tears of joy flowing down my cheeks and my Hands lifted up towards heaven praising and thanking God for thus far he has seen me through. In these past 21 years of my life so many things have gone wrong, some things have happened for the right purpose, events have taken place, people have sacrificed so much for me, many have betrayed me, I in turn have betrayed others, life has knocked me down several times but I in my own way and through the help of God and the people that loves and cares about me I’ve been able to get back up on my feet. Not only that, I have fallen and grown in love, my heart has been trampled upon severally but the last thing I ever thought of doing was to give up, because there was always a reason to keep on loving, and that reason was all about one person, guess who; God, my creator, the reason I breath the fresh air I breath today, the only reason why am still alive; the love of God upon my life is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me so that’s the more reason why I still keep on loving everybody around me. In this short time of my existence on planet earth, there are people who have played important role in my life in different ways, people who God has used to get me to where I am today. Let me start by mentioning my lovely and irreplaceable mother, my ever loving step-mum, my dad my beautiful sisters; aribibia,rita,Ibinabo,mercy,obele,onengs,chava; my handsome brothers; tekena and sobere, my big aunty’s; aunty lily, aunty otonye, aunty akpos, aunty boma okujagu, and my big uncles; uncle ikubie, uncle ama, uncle ene, uncle daso. My friends won’t be left out(girls); destiny nsini(my 1st love), praise bobmanuel, laura cole, pamela yellowe, uka Cynthia, kossy maduagwu, Eunice Kelvin, nengi diri, patience diepriye, Pamela Osmond,, tokoni ibanichuka, ilamina allison, Deborah pius, Lilian stone, ilaye Sampson, fortune akuro, Mirabelle ogbonda, cherry johnson, My freshguys; divine kalipa(my bro from another mother) tammy George, omiebi ibanichuka, abiye samuel, Richard Philip, hart George, emma, victor, fortune james, fubara johnwill, capt. solomon job, #mehn the names are just too much, but for everyone of you who have stood behind me through my rise and fall and still standing with me up till these present day, I just want to say a very big thank you and may God reward your good works. I won’t forget Mrs, chukuba kalaipa; a woman who played a huge role in my life, through her prayers, advise, care, love for my mum and myself I just want to say a big thank ma, your indeed a rare gem. Also my appreciation goes to my Godparents, Mr Tams Orupabo, Mr Joel Tuboteme and Mrs Florence Ben-kalio, thank you for inspiring me with your style of life in a short while. I thank all my A.C.M colleagues; Dame, Likeness Diri(big mummy), aunty Awoere, aunty Boma, aunty Gloria, aunty blessing, aunty amie, uncle tammy, uncle ik, etc. thank you all so much for nurturing me and helping me excel within a short time that I joined you in the Anglican Children Ministry. Once more permit me to say thank you all. And I promise never to let you down……!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 09:10:06 +0000

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