Wow, this is embarrassing... Can you imagine the Western media - TopicsExpress


Wow, this is embarrassing... Can you imagine the Western media reaction if in response to US military satellite and radar data, the Russians built their case on YouTube and social media postings provided by notoriously unreliable and bias sources, some of which already disproved? QUESTION: How is it exactly that you know that it was fired from Russian – I mean, from separatist-held territory? MS. HARF: Well, we have a great deal of information that the Secretary laid out yesterday, and I can go back through some of it today. But we do know first that Russian-backed separatists were in possession of an SA-11 system as early as Monday, July 14th. This is from intercepts of separatist communications posted on YouTube by the Ukrainian Government. QUESTION: Well, is there anything – okay, is there anything other – because there’s other -- MS. HARF: I can keep going if – or you want to jump in. QUESTION: Well, is there stuff that’s other than social media that you’re talking -- MS. HARF: Yes, absolutely. There is. QUESTION: Okay. So what is it that’s other than social media? MS. HARF: At this point, Matt, we’ve said what our assessment is, very strong assessment publicly. If there’s more information that that’s based on that we can share, we’re happy to do so. We’ll continue looking at that. But look, this is what we know as of right now. Based on open information which is basically common sense, right – we know where it was fired from, we know who has this weapon – backed up -- QUESTION: Well, I don’t -- MS. HARF: -- backed up -- QUESTION: -- I mean, it’s disputed, though. MS. HARF: -- backed up by a host of information that we have gathered about who did this, where it came from, and what the weapon system was. So one of – we’re just telling you what we know now. QUESTION: Right, right. But -- MS. HARF: One of the reasons we’ve called on Russia to push the separatists it backs into an investigation is so we can get all the facts. Instead of holding press briefings and making statements, maybe the Russian Government should call on the separatists they support to allow an actual investigation. QUESTION: Right. But that’s what you’ve done. You’ve held press – well, Security Council meetings and going -- MS. HARF: Well, we don’t have leverage with the separatists. I would say the Russians do and they’re not using it. So let’s have them use it. QUESTION: Well, okay. But I mean, I think we’re talking at cross-purposes here. I’m asking you -- MS. HARF: It wouldn’t be the first time. QUESTION: (Laughter.) No, that’s true. What I’m asking – I mean, there are social – all you’re willing to present publicly that backs up your version of the story, which may well be the correct version of the story, but all you have -- MS. HARF: “May well be.” QUESTION: Well, it may well be. But I don’t know because I haven’t seen your evidence that shows that the missile was launched from rebel-held territory. But you’re saying – so the only thing you’re willing to put out publicly is the social media accounts, I mean the social media stuff. MS. HARF: That’s part of it. QUESTION: Right. But there are social media accounts that says – that disputes that or that claims to present a different version. So are you saying -- MS. HARF: What would that version be, Matt? QUESTION: Well, I don’t – there are many, many theories. MS. HARF: Any -- QUESTION: But you’re saying that all of those accounts -- MS. HARF: Most of which are completely illogical, I would point out. QUESTION: Well, but all of the accounts that do not support your version of events are wrong -- MS. HARF: No. QUESTION: -- and all of the ones that do support it are right? Is that what you’re saying? MS. HARF: Look, we make assessments based on a variety of intelligence and a variety of information, some of which we can talk about publicly and some of which we can’t. QUESTION: Well, is the – are you -- MS. HARF: And we also – and look, if you just take a step back, right, we need there to be an investigation so we can get all the facts, period. But on top of that, we have public information, which is, of course, the easiest for us to talk about --
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 08:26:08 +0000

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