Wow what a day.... How is it that a person’s pride and ego - TopicsExpress


Wow what a day.... How is it that a person’s pride and ego always seem to rise above what’s morally right. When did it become more important to win or settle a score than the health, wellbeing and life of an animal that one proclaims to love so much. Why is making a point more important than the broken soul left standing in the paddock with skin draped over bones and an empty tummy... What “we” humans do to each other is bad enough but at least we have the ability to feed ourselves, we have the choice on where we want to be, dressed in what we want to wear and putting up with the behaviour we want to put up with ~ our animals don’t have such luxuries. But as owners its our job to provide for them and when it gets to the point where we can’t afford to give them everything they need we have the freedom to pass them on or neglect them. No one ever neglects their horses out of hate for the animals but time after time they do it out of spite towards other human beings.. Sadly, its not the humans that suffer though, its the poor emaciated soul standing in a confined paddock unable to look after itself. Now lets talk about the system that protects these animals. System?? What system?? The out dated animal protection act that the RSPCA are governed by. The same one that doesn’t allow animal welfare organisations the power to do a god dam thing. Horses starve to death in paddocks before anyone has the power to help them, court dates come far too late for some and in the end even the person who dragged a little pony on purpose behind a car almost killing it didn’t get jail time. I wonder how the system would deal with a man who dragged his wife behind the car?? Is there a difference?? We breath the same, we bleed the same so why are we allowed to have a skinny horse as long as it has grass in the paddock and water in the bucket? Imagine if we had an emaciated child but had running water in the tap and food in the fridge? What is the difference? Children cant feed themselves and old horses cant live on just grass! When will the human ego and pride come after whats right? Only then will we live in a world free of animal neglect ~ a day when rescue organisations like mine will no longer be needed. Until then we must fight for the animals, we must be the voice for those who have no voice. Today im thinking of all the neglected horses, neglected because of human ego and pride, the ones that will die before the flawed system can help them...
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 04:27:33 +0000

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