Woww. Thursday was one of those days. The enemy did his job. He - TopicsExpress


Woww. Thursday was one of those days. The enemy did his job. He reared his head. But my DADDY had rams in the bush...just fa me. I sit here at dark-thirty still a little down trodden. I want to thank my sista from anotha mother for telling it like it tis. Vanessa Harris-White I am so thankful to have you in my corner. Even though you used my stuff back on ME I love you for it. Darlene Rendon what a treat to run into you truly told me what to expect. Daniel Ball my ankle hurts from you stepping on my foot BUT I LOVE YA BABY BOY.Marlon Morris I have seen you everyday this week and your advice never changed...PRAY ABOUT IT. Yuric and Shuffle, thanks for being my CHEERLEADERS...POM POMS ARE ON ORDER. Rhonda Claxton, though I am the oldest, thanks for taking on the big sister role. Frieda, even in the midst of what you are going through, your mother wit was greatly appreciated. Others helped and you know who you are because you do it with me daily. So you can best believe that it came to pass and SOON IT WILL.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 08:24:14 +0000

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