Write The Vision And Make It Plain By brother dino It is - TopicsExpress


Write The Vision And Make It Plain By brother dino It is written: [The LORD’s Answer] Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. (Habakkuk 2:2 AMP) The Image is loosely based upon The Vision for The Church Without Walls Made Of Living Stones Christian Retreat that our Lord named ‘Alam ‘Emeq (Hebrew pronounced: A’- lamb A’-mech – Literal - Hidden Valley) with the intent and meaning of A Hidden Fertile Pasture for a Flock of Sheep to be fed, nurtured and protected aka The Secret Place, where we eat The Hidden Manna in loving fellowship! It will be a Sanctuary for refreshing Body, Soul and Spirit and our International Ministry Headquarters. Our Lord said He would bless it to be Eden on earth in these final seconds of the last hour before His imminent return! Read on to catch The Vision and become a part of something bigger than any of us alone! Its what God had planned from before the foundation of the world and is doing in The Body of Christ today! Dont miss out Beloved! For our ministry is called and chosen for just such a time as this to prepare a portion of The Remnant; The Bride of Messiah (aka Christ) for the return of her Bridegroom! And the alternative is missing The Catching Up (Harpozo – Rapture) and suffering thru The Great Tribulation! Dont delay Beloved, I beg you to join with us today! For our Lords return is now imminent and there is much work to be done before He arrives! The Vision Made Plain It’s As Simple As 1-2-3 Over the past 23 years our Lord has given me daily visions and nightly dreams as well as revelation upon revelation of His Holy Living Word, detailing a Master Plan to prepare The Remnant; The Bride of Christ for our Lord’s imminent return, to catch us up in His arms and take us to the place He has prepared for us, to protect us from the wrath of the devil (the first 3 ½ years) beginning The Great Tribulation and The Wrath of God (the second 3 ½ years) concluding The Great Tribulation! God’s Word declares it will be a time, the likes of which the world has never seen nor will ever see again! And even in the time before The Rapture, when the man of perdition (destruction aka the anti-christ) is revealed, when The Two Witnesses have yet to come on the world stage, things will begin to get very ugly in cities around the world, after a short time of relative peace and safety in the world, as many quickly see Bible prophecy coming true right before their very eyes! The Master Plan is so simple a child can understand The Big Picture (and yet also very detailed as well), it’s truly as simple as One, Two, Three! Step I The First Goal of God’s Master Plan has already been fully implemented with The Birth of our online Fellowship Group (Church aka Gathering of ”Called Out Ones” aka Where two or three come together in His name) The Lord named The Church Without Walls Made Of Living Stones back in March of 2012! And is bearing wonderful fruit as our Mishpocha (Family) is blessed of Abba (Papa) with the full power and anointing of His Holy Spirit, (Who is free to move among us and have His way) to grow (with new members joining every day) and bloom with many souls snatched from the flames and won to Christ every week! Healings and Deliverances with Signs, Miracles and Wonders following occur numerous times each and every day during our fellowship on The Wall and Live Impartations and Prayer Meetings, strengthening our collective faith with praise reports and testimonies abounding! All providing undisputable proof that our ministry is wrought of The Power and Spirit of God and not the eloquent words of men! Our Lord declared we would know one another (real men and women of God) by our fruit (Holiness, Purity and Righteousness in Thought, Word and Deed in selflessly serving our Lord by advancing His Kingdom) and that we would do the very same works He did and greater works, for He was going to The Father and would intercede on our behalf and have The Father grant every request that was in Abba’s (Papa’s) will, because of His precious blood shed at the cross and would allow Him to bring Abba (Papa) glory, as He manifests His glory in us! OH, IF WE ONLY JUST BELIEVE, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! \o/ For it is written: For those whom He foreknew [of whom He was aware and loved beforehand], He also destined from the beginning [foreordaining them] to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness], that He might become the firstborn among many brethren. (Romans 8:29 AMP) Always remember Beloved, Discipleship will solve your identity crisis, by teaching you who you truly are in Christ! Step II To accomplish our Second Goal as a Church, I will sell my home and everything and everything I have to raise the funds necessary to complete the process of becoming a 501C3 Non-Profit Ministry and purchase a Trailer and Truck to tow it, to be used as a mobile office with sleeping quarters, Kitchen and dinning area. We will then leave the world completely behind and hit the road on our first Missionary Journey, just like our Lords chosen apostles Paul and Barnabus did in their generation! We will be trusting God to supply all our daily need through each of you, whom He has led by His Holy Spirit to become a foundational part of this ministry to Him, as we share a common purse, following the paradigm our Lord established in His earthly ministry and his chosen Disciples continued to do after The Doors to His Church were opened on the day of Pentecost almost 2,000 years ago, as documented in scripture! And just like the apostle Pauls ministry to The Lord in his day, our church overhead will be much less, than a conventional modern brick and mortar church and we will draw only what we need to survive each day! This way as our Church Membership grows, virtually all of our church resources can be used to support The Ministry Staff and Widows and Orphans in The Family, as well as those who are going through a difficult time until they get back up on their feet again! So, that none in The Family will have any lack, just like in The Early Church! And we will make sure that everyone in The Family has the best health care we can afford, based upon where they live! Imagine how pleased Abba will be by our selfless and sincere loving obedience to love Him and one another! In The Early Church His Word declares that He blessed it to grow by leaps and bounds saving as many as should be saved each and every day! \o/ We will run the ministry while on the road using either Satellite, Mobil or Local Internet connections, whichever are faster to document our Missionary Journeys, both on fb and our Ministry Website, as we travel to see you all in person to Baptize you all with Water and with The Holy Spirit and Fire, lay anointed hands upon those who are sick, so they may be healed and made whole by The Power of The Blood and perform Healing and Deliverance Ministry to those in bondage, who are battered, beaten, bruised and broken as well as deliver Live Impartations of Spiritual Gifts and Prophetic Words of Wisdom and Knowledge from The Lord leading to Understanding! We will also use the time to prepare and ordain Group Leaders to birth Local In-Home Fellowship Groups that will grow to up to 30 members each and then team up together for local meetings to organize resources and manpower to impact their Local Communities, just like they did in The Early Church and continue to grow and flourish throughout the world, just as Christianity has over the past almost 2,000 years! And we will ordain those, who have graduated Discipleship and are ready to hold one or more Offices in our Online Church Without Walls Made of Living Stones that will reach the world for Christ and make Disciples of all nations! \o/ And we will organize Outdoor Love-Fests like they did in The Early Church that will start small and then become as large as modern multi-day events with Christian Bands playing prophetic worship and Family Prophets and Prophetess’ speaking what Thus Saith The Lord for days on end everywhere we go! There will be campfire cook-out meetings with live music from everyone who plays an instrument or can make some noise, providing prophetic praise and worship as well as prophetic Words from The Lord revealing The Deep Things of God every night! There will be fishing and hiking and camping trips in God’s beautiful creation as well and everywhere even just two or three of us come together in The Unity of The Holy Spirit on One Accord Revival will break out spontaneously, providing a fresh anointing of The Holy Spirit and times of Refreshing in The Lord as we perform Healings and Deliverances with Signs, Miracles and Wonders following to strengthen our collective faith providing praise reports and testimonies to share until our Lord’s return and then for all eternity to come! \o/ And we will post pics and videos of it all to encourage your faith, each and every day as well as provide you all with an Itinerary of where will be next, so you can plan ahead and spend as much time as possible fellowshipping with us! And Abba said that the excitement will grow each year as we travel up the Northern West Coast, across the Northern States and then down the Northern East Coast starting about during the Summer, then travel to Israel in the Fall to record the video for our Teachings and do Family Tours of The Holy Land featuring Baptisms in The Jordan River near where John Baptized our Lord Jesus and return to America to break for the Winter months to focus on Depression and Suicide Season, The Holidays and Vacation Time with Family for my staff and I and then finish the circuit by spending Spring covering the Southern States as well as Southern East and West Coasts finishing up the year! It’s the way my staff and I will live until Abba gives us The Christian Retreat He showed me numerous times in great detail over the past 23 years in visions, dreams and revelations! \o/ Step III When He showed me The Retreat He gave me the name “Hidden Valley” and told me it will be like Eden on earth again in these final seconds of the last hour! He also said He will bless it to be fruitful and multiply, because of our sincere love and faithfulness to Him in fulfilling His Great Commission to the ends of the earth and never leaving our First Love. We will be in the world, but not of the world as we live wholly consecrated lives separated from the world and use the Internet and our Missionary Journeys to Preach The Gospel (Good News) to the ends of the earth and make Disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey all that He commanded! It will be an Organic Working Farm with Livestock that’s off The Grid with wind, solar and water turbine generated power and well water as well as spring-fed creek in the middle of nowhere, where The Disciples our Lord leads to us by His Spirit from around the world, will come to begin their Discipleship with Healing and Deliverance Meetings, Baptisms with Water and with Spirit and Fire as well as receive Impartations and learn to study God’s Word with all the approved Resources and Study Helps as well as return again and again whenever needed to be refreshed, revived and renewed every year until our Lord’s return! It will also be our International Ministry Headquarters to manage our Website, Online Fellowship Groups and Discipleship Program and will feature Five Video Production Studios. The First Studio will be used to hold our Family’s Prophetic Praise and Worship Services that will lift up The Name of Jesus 24/7/365 and stream The Live Audio and Video Feeds to our Website to be enjoyed by all our members from anywhere in the world! Another will be used to record, edit and produce our Family’s Deep Teachings, Prophetic Words and Evangelistic Messages to save The Lost with compassion and edify The Saved in love! Another Studio will be used to hold our Discipleship Meetings to prepare them for their new life as a Disciple of Christ and Train and Equip them for the work of the ministry. The Meetings will be recorded, edited and produced into Ministry Resource Videos that will always provide us with a fresh prophetic flow! The last Studio will be used to hold and record, edit and produce our Special Events Videos and be used as a Multi-Purpose Room for Celebrations and Weddings etc. \o/ We will be the very best stewards of any ministry on the face of the earth and our Disciples and Supporters from around the world will have the joy of knowing that every penny they offer as a gift of love to support The Work of The Lord, will be spent to save The Lost and advance The Kingdom of God with only the bare minimum spent on ministry overheads of office, meeting and production spaces, salaries, food, clothing, shelter and health care. And best of all The Church Financial Statements will be on public display every Quarter for both The Family Members and the whole world to see! And although we will oversee everything with auditors auditing auditors, like our Lord, those of us in The Council of Twelve will never touch the money or spend it wastefully on rich, lavish wasteful living! Its Gods money given to us to manage as Good Stewards to save souls and edify the saved and one day we will be held totally accountable to Him for how we managed it for Him as well as all the souls He has and will continue to place in our tender loving care! Well I’ve written The Vision and made it plain for you all… SO NOW LET’S RUN WITH IT! I invite you to join with us Beloved and become a part of what God is doing in The Body of Christ… IN THESE FINAL SECONDS OF THE LAST HOUR! Here is your invitation! The Future Of Discipleship Is Now And Its Not Church As Usual! Chan (Grace – Unmerited Favor), chesed (mercy – forgiveness of sin) and shalom (peace – wholeness and completeness) to you in exceeding abundance, from Eloheim (God) our Yasha (Savior) and Adonai Y’Shua HaMashiach (Lord Jesus Christ)! Today, an exciting new door has opened to those with a burning desire to grow in Messiah (Christ) and serve Eloheim (God) with all that they are in faith, in response to His amazing grace, providing a world of unlimited opportunity in ministry as never before, all because of the Social Network Facebook with over 850 Million users and growing as well as many other technologies you will learn about in discipleship! Become a part of what Eloheim (God) is doing in The Worldwide Body of Messiah (Christ) TODAY, as we preach The Gospel to the ends of the earth, to save the lost with compassion and teach The Word of Eloheim (God) thru discipleship, to edify the saved in love! We have been chosen and ordained by Eloheim (God) to train and equip an End-Times Army of Elite Warriors He is drawing to us by His Spirit, to occupy (take back everything the devil stole from us back in The Garden [our divine birthright as The Sons and Daughters of God] and advance The Kingdom of Heaven) until Adonai’s (our Lord’s) imminent return, with great zeal of spirit and force of disciplined will, as led by The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit of God)! Join with us now Beloved and take the first step in fulfilling your… CALLING, PURPOSE AND DESTINY… STARTING TODAY! We invite you to begin discipleship now and grow to full maturity in Messiah (Christ), while you learn to work your gifts in our Fellowship Group and grow into fulltime ministry, fulfilling your calling, purpose and destiny, as a vital part of something that’s bigger than any of us alone! Its exactly what youve been praying for and much, much more! Begin earnest disciplined discipleship, directly under a loving and compassionate shepherd (pastor/teacher) and become a vital member of our Worldwide Ministry and Online Fellowship Group! Thank you again for your interest in becoming a disciple of Messiah (Christ) and Follower Of The Way! GET READY FOR THE ADVENTURE TO BEGIN! Here is the link to our Online Church: facebook/groups/293862860660372 More power in the ministry through confession of sins and sincere loving obedience! Shalom Aleichem (Peace be unto you), noqed (shepherd of shepherds - apostle) dino God’s special messenger of love The Church Without Walls Made Of Living Stones Remember beloved of God, everything you’ll ever need… It’s all in The Word! © Copyright 1985-2014– brother dino - All Rights Reserved While everything The Holy Spirit inspires me to write is under full copyright protection, the only purpose is to make sure people copy it right. As long as you always clearly reference it as my work including my copyright statement at the bottom, keep it in its entirety without editing of any kind and link it to facebook/brotherdino as the source, you have my permission to copy, print, and distribute my writings freely, as long as it is not for profit. If you wish to use my writings in a profit making capacity then permission must be granted by the author.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 03:21:45 +0000

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