Writing a paper about Aristotle and Realism... I want to share - TopicsExpress


Writing a paper about Aristotle and Realism... I want to share this with this thought. Everyone has a purpose. Humans are different shapes, sizes, and colors, but we all share a commonality; we are all human. Take an acorn for example. No acorn looks the same, if you break it, a broken acorn is still an acorn. An acorn has a purpose in life, but without proper sun, water, and nourishment, the acorn cannot live up to its potential of becoming an oak tree. Even though one acorn may differ from the next, they all deserve the opportunity to, one day, become an oak tree. Humans break, differ in their backgrounds and physical and mental capabilities, but all deserve to have the opportunity to fulfill a destiny (learning in this case), or grow into an oak tree. So just because we may differ, remember, that EVERYBODY shares one trait across the board; WE ARE ALL HUMAN. Everyone deserves to be treated as such.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 01:08:43 +0000

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