Writing an essay: When it comes to learning how to write a essay, - TopicsExpress


Writing an essay: When it comes to learning how to write a essay, there are several techniques and steps you can take to simplify this process. Contrary to popular belief, writing does not have to be a boring or overly difficult task. By learning how to properly conduct research and structure your essays, you can greatly improve the quality and coherence of your essay writing. Alright, let’s get started. How to Write a Essay Efficiently and Effectively: First, you will need to write down a topic sentence or main idea for your essay. Of course, if a topic has been assigned to you, then all you will need to do is to find an interesting angle for your piece. However, if you’re writing a research paper or essay that can be on any topic, then you’ll want to choose your main subject first. The key here is not to be too broad or too precise. For instance, you wouldn’t want to write an essay on World War II since the subject would be too broad and you wouldn’t be able to do it justice with only one essay. However, by choosing a specific battle from World War II and examining how it shaped and influenced the war, you would have a great writing topic. So, when brainstorming potential subjects, look for topics that are specific enough to be insightful and broad enough to connect with other fields of information. This is the first step to learning how to write a essay your teachers will value. Once you have your subject nailed down, you can begin your research. When researching a given topic, you should try to use as many tools as possible to gather information. This includes the journals, books and reference desk at your local library as well as the Internet and the various academic databases, if you have access to such avenues. After thoroughly familiarizing yourself with the subject matter, try to come up with an interesting angle or theme relating to your essay topic. List as many of these angles and themes as possible and narrow the list down to your top three picks based on your own personal preference. Out of these three picks, you will need to choose one as the thesis for your essay. If you’re having trouble narrowing your list down to one main idea, just go with your gut and choose the idea that would be most interesting for you to read about. In other words, when figuring how to write a essay, always try to put yourself in the reader’s shoes to see what works and what doesn’t work. Next, you will need to take this main idea and convert it into your thesis statement. When learning how to write a essay, choosing a strong thesis statement is of the utmost importance. As a rule of thumb, your thesis statement should encapsulate the main idea of your essay in a concise and straightforward manner. Basically, your entire essay exists to support your thesis statement. By writing an insightful thesis sentence, your readers will have a vantage point from which to read your essay. Before moving forward, it is imperative that your thesis statement be clear and interesting. If so, you’re ready to begin writing your essay. The Best Procedure for Learning How to Write a Essay: First, you may want to consider jotting down an outline for your essay. While not absolutely necessary, an outline can keep you on topic and working toward a goal. However, if you wish to just get your flow going and start putting your words to paper, that’s fine as well. Either way, you will need to come up with a good introductory paragraph to begin your essay. This paragraph should open with a strong sentence that catches the reader’s attention and pulls him or her into your piece. Also, the introduction should help to set up the opposition or argument that your thesis will attempt to resolve or prove. Generally, the thesis statement is placed in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph, unless your teacher has given you other directions. With a good thesis and introduction, you’ll know how to write a essay more expertly in the future. Now you can move onto the meat of your essay, which is known as the body of your paper. For best results, you should arrange the body paragraphs so that each paragraph relates to a specific point or facet of your thesis. When making statements throughout the body of your essay, be sure to back those statements up with references and evidence so your readers can see that you know your subject matter. In other words, the more you can steer your essay away from the realm of personal opinion and into the territory of established facts, the stronger your paper will be. Also, don’t be afraid to overwrite your body paragraphs, since it’s better to have excess information rather than thin content. Plus, you’ll be able to clean up your essay in the revision process, so don’t worry about going overboard. The important thing is that you get the essay written rather than stalling or procrastinating. Taking action is perhaps the most crucial component of learning how to write a essay, so when in doubt, take action. To complete the first draft of your essay, you’ll need to cap your paper off with a strong conclusion paragraph. This paragraph should summarize your work and re-affirm the validity of your thesis. Also, feel free to end on a good note by adding a pertinent quote or statement that encourages the reader to ask a certain question or pause for reflection. This is how to write a essay that both educates and invites readers to draw their own conclusions. Then, take a break and relax your thinking muscles before returning to edit and revise your rough draft. When revising, try to remove any unnecessary words and make sure your thoughts and sentences flow together. If you’re required to follow a specific format, such as MLA or another style guide, check to make sure your Works Cited or reference page is complete and all your citations and footers are correct. Finally, to top off your essay, I suggest saving your title for last. By waiting until the end of the writing process to select your title, your chances of selecting a title that is intriguing and intelligent are greatly increased. Furthermore, by choosing your essay title first, you risk boxing yourself in before you’ve even started writing. So, when using these steps on how to write a essay, don’t get all caught up in procedures like title selection until you’ve written plenty. By now, you’ve made it to the summit of your subject matter and picking a relevant title for your essay should be a breeze. If you can remember how to write a essay using these simple steps, I have no doubt that your papers will be successful and stimulating. I hope you’ve enjoyed my guide on how to write a essay.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 10:39:46 +0000

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