Writing number two from today... My first day of counseling - TopicsExpress


Writing number two from today... My first day of counseling went really well. We discussed treating yourself kindly. Our homework is to start a gratitude journal to write down three positive experiences each day as well as one positive word to describe ourselves. We also got a list of different emotions to assess how we feel each day and to think about times when we experienced positive moments for a different list of words. Its not as easy as it sounds. Its even more difficult when you dont know what you did or what is going on. It makes me look negatively at myself and my environment instead of the positive things I should be focusing on. I get constantly criticized for mistakes Ive made and have negative things pointed out and then I feel bad about it, whether there is something positive thrown in or not. It seems to make things more difficult to look forward to. Mistakes are made and lessons learn; you try your best not to repeat them and to fix them and move forward. Everyone has moments in life where they feel stuck. How do you move forward when you try to think positively but those negative comments are the things that stand out the most? It can be a vicious cycle. I do my best to put past things in the past, but sometimes they come to mind, whether it is an event that reminds me of something or a familiar situation or feeling. It happens. We must take time to ourselves to focus on our own personal needs. We need to do things we enjoy doing whenever we can. Simple things like deep breaths and finding our center self and clearing our mind can be difficult. We get so overwhelmed in thoughts and things going on that we forget to relax, and sometimes forget ourselves. We must focus on the positive things about ourself and how we feel about ourselves. It can be a challenge, and it is different for everyone. I blame myself for a lot of things, but I dont need to focus on that. Something else that is difficult when someone is constantly pointing out flaws and mistakes. It is really hard to be positive when someone is telling you all you do wrong. Keep the focus on the positive. It doesnt matter what others think about you or things youve done. No one knows what you go through or have been through or how you really feel. Focus on how you feel about yourself and how you perceive yourself. You are what matters. Stay positive.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 06:35:57 +0000

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