Written by Jenni Mann We the people of - TopicsExpress


Written by Jenni Mann We the people of the world. YOBSN is very different from anything else online. It contains untold and even undiscovered power that can drastically change the world. In the US we witnessed the stopping of a war that just 10 years ago would have happened. It was stopped for 2 reasons. One because of 2 public officials being removed from their jobs for not voting the way their constituents wanted them to and the other was because of the Internet. Because people are more informed now then they use to be. (But many more need to be.) So because they are more informed they made a big uproar and because the politicians knew they could lose their jobs the politicians did what the people who put them there wanted them to do because they knew their kussy jobs were at stake. However, due to how unorganized the Geraldine Ann Ford - Internet Marketing & env2 Blog Jimmy Pageis this same effect did not happen with the US government shut down. There is no place outside media controlled sites for people to come together to tell the truth and educate the masses. If they try there, they will be removed and blocked. But YOBSN can be that place. A place where people who have been brainwashed by the media can learn the truth about what is going on in the world. Where they can come together to be a force for good. If you go through the media sites you will see that most Americans oppose Obamacare and for good reasons but those who dont simply are not educated enough on the facts. But with YOBSN both those issue could be solved. Change would start happening faster, faster than controlled polls and media propaganda. People could see what people really think rather than what the media wants us to think. No more BS no more games. The speed at which the world will change for the better would be tremendous. YOBSN is no different than any other company when it comes to time. Facebook had well over 1 million users before they even had one company willing to advertise with them and that was no one big. At that time however 1 million people was a world record, now it is meaningless. YOBSN is the first social network to launch with advertisers. That is huge. A quantum leap forward but we need to get as many people on this as possible. Because this is the key to the power that it holds. When I joined SMT there was no YOBSN, there was no chirp or chat or smart mail there was just the dynamic bar and it was not even out yet but when I saw the demo of it I said, God willing, this will change the world. Because if he is not it will never happen but if He is all the potential is there. Things that the world has never seen before. I also said that this will be the first trillion dollar company because with that bar you can create an instant success out of anything. Overnight, just by adding it to the bar. No one else has that ability. Google actually closes more of its products than it actually has success with because they do not have this same ability. It has to market everything it makes. We do not. We just simply added it to the bar. This is exactly what has happened. There are so many awesome ideas that we have that we cannot implement yet, that will earn everyone, even free members huge amounts of money but they will not work until we reach certain member limits. The company in essence is waiting on us. We cannot discuss the ideas because we risk them being stolen. We cannot say things like when we have this many members we will add this because other companies already have that many members and when they introduce their watered down version of our ideas then they will dilute our effects when we launch the real thing. People will see us as the copy cats. There are so many ways that SMT can change the world and make it a better place for all of us, but so many people are caught up on the money and instant gratification but the world does not work that way. It never has for anyone. If we can change our vision from making money to changing the world for the better, the money will come on its own. A sort of Field of Dreams business model of if you build it, they will come. This is the model used for every major Internet success. They all knew that they would not earn a penny until they had millions of people using their product and that they would have to pay for it until they did and they they may never get there but they still risked millions or dollars and years of time to get there and it paid off. This business model works but SMTs business model is far greater. If we launched on the same day that Facebook did hands down we would be the winner and no one would even speak of Facebook because what we offer now is far greater. It is just that people do not know about us yet. When we reach a certain point however the company will explode because of the viral growth engine. There was never really any incentive for people to use Facebook or Google it all came from millions of dollars in advertising and that alone is why they make billions of dollars a year. If SMT were to do that, they would make Billions of dollars a year, but we do not want them to. We want to do it. We want to do it so that we can earn our share of that billions of dollars not just have it all go to the company. But as I said before I believe that God willing, this will be the first trillion dollar company. Some people will make more money individually then entire MLM companies make today but many people wont make much at all. That has nothing to do with SMT it is simply the human condition. Throughout all of human history most people have done nothing beyond the basics to keep them and their family alive. It wont be any different here but they will have no one to blame but themselves. We all have the same opportunity it just depend on what we do with it. Please join me and become part of changing the world. Dont look back 5 years from now and wish you had done something about what could be the greatest success in human history or one of the most world altering. Keep contacting people. Keep sending them information. Keep doing it until they ask you to stop or they join. Educate them on what this is all about. I dont care what country you are in. I want you to look at how your world has changed in the last 10-15 years. It is not getting better. We are not in a recovery these are all lies and if it continues the way that it is the middle class worldwide will be gone in the next 5-10 years. It means that all the advances that we have made over the last few hundreds of years will be lost. We will be living like our ancestors did hundreds of year ago under kings only they will be called corporations. Many poor people think that no middle class is no big deal because they are not middle class. They think their life will remain the same. It does not mean that. It means that the middle class will be living like the poor do now and the poor will be living far worse off than they do now, while the rich become much richer. So if we can focus our intention on the true potential that this has not only for our live but the lives of our children and their childrens children then we can speed up the process of getting were we need to be and stopping the disastrous future we are currently barreling towards. Now I know that many will read this and say Wow, I never really realized it but Jennie is a stark raving lunatic. I am ok will that”. It’s a complement said about every person who has ever done anything monumental throughout history. I am also not writing this to those people. I am writing this to the people who have that inner-knowing that they cannot quite put their finger on, that there is something about SMT, something big, something life changing. It is time to get moving. It is time to change the world. It is time to become We the people of the world May God support us in our vision. He is waiting on us to change the world. carolyn777.smartmediatechnologies
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:58:12 +0000

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