X is a Hindu God assigned with the task of keeping complete - TopicsExpress


X is a Hindu God assigned with the task of keeping complete records of actions of human beings on the earth. Upon their death, X has the task of deciding heaven or the hell for the humans, depending on their actions on the earth. He is the patron deity of Kayasthas, a Hindu caste of India. He is the son of Lord Brahma and holds a fairly special place in the Hindu pantheon because of the order of his birth. The story of his birth is related in different ways.In one popular version of the creation myth of X, it is said that Lord Brahma gave the land of the dead over to the god Yama, also known as Dharamraj or Yamraj. Yama would become confused sometimes when dead souls would come to him, and would occasionally send the wrong souls to either heaven or hell. Lord Brahma commanded him to keep better track of everyone, and Yama declared that he could not reasonably be expected to keep track of the many people born of the eighty-four different life forms in the three worlds. Lord Brahma, determined to solve this problem for Yama created X out of his body through meditation.As X was born of Lord Brahma’s body, or kaya in Sanskrit, Brahma declared that his children would forever be known as Kayasthas. As he was first conceived in Brahma’s mind, and then made whole in secrecy, away from the other gods, he was named X .Dharmaraja married his daughter Irawati to him and Manuji, son of Surya married his daughter Sudakhina to him.He had eight sons from the former and. four from the latter and these twelve sons became the progenitors of the twelve subdivisions of the Kayasthas, namely Saxena, Mathur, Gaur, Nigam, Ashthana, Kulshrestha, Suryadwaja, Bhatnagar, Ambastha, Shrivastava, Karana and Vaalmik. Id the God in question.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 07:37:34 +0000

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