YES! And I will add that, while Im a firm supporter of humans - TopicsExpress


YES! And I will add that, while Im a firm supporter of humans getting to smoke legally as they please, I can say, from my observations over the past 13 years of my life, chronic marijuana smokers can, at times, seem to share 1 trait in common: Lack of ambition and goals. They can be so chill and amiable that their get up and go drive seems to have left the building, with out them. Of course, this does not pertain to everyone, I have seen how it can zen you out to the point where you dont care about the things you would normally care about, mimicking the symptoms of depression to an extent. Just as any mind altering substance is, it is medicine, and can be overly used as a numbing agent. Be mindful and observe how it (or anything ranging from food, to environments, to new forms of exercise, ect.) affects you. Be sure its always working with you, and for your goals, not against you :) So, stay conscious, Dear community! Stay aware and most importantly, stay on the path that is going to benefit you the most (i.e., dont self sabotage;) With love, I send you my unsolicited advice on MJ in hopes that it can inspire introspection and growth resulting in evolution and long term healing
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 18:16:54 +0000

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