YES, CALLING ALL MARTIAN SLAVE CONVERTS -READ WELL. All that obstructive, self destructive energy you are under is nothing but your own energy. Please dont abuse dumping your energy everywhere and not know how to handle your own energy by being completely out of balance. Chances are, you are being psychically attacked, And most likely, you arent even aware of it. Every day you interact with people... Friends, Family, Co-workers, Strangers you pass on the street... And many of them are psychically attacking you. Dont believe me? Have you ever had a fight with a friend? Or a co-worker? Remember the feeling that they were shooting daggers at you? You were being psychically attacked. But attacks arent always that obvious. What about the person that you accidentally cut off on the highway last week? Or the one you didnt stop for because you didnt see them getting ready to cross the street? Thought is energy, and thought effects reality on a molecular level. There is a good chance they got angry & threw some negative energy your way. Then, there are the subtle attacks... Like the one where your boss is pressuring you into a transfer you dont want... Or your family pushing you into relationship you dont want... Unfortunately, you cant control the emotions of everyone around you. And the truth is, most of the time, these people arent even aware they are battering you with negative energy... But these attacks can leave you drained, tired and depressed... And you dont know why... Its time to Defend Yourself! Be aware of the energy around you. Recognizing feelings and emotions that are not your own is the first step in protecting yourself from psychic attack. Now that you are aware of this energy, remove the energy connections that people use to attack you. You encounter new people and conflicts everyday, so it is important that you stay mindful of your emotions. A great way to weaken and remove these negative energy connections is through practicing energy consciousness. I know, this may sound like a lot of work... And it may be, at first... But once you are in the habit of protecting yourself from psychic attacks, you will be amazed how much energy you have... and the sense of freedom you feel. You dont have to be a slave to everyone elses emotions... It is time to take control of your life.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:04:52 +0000

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