YESSSS....WERE ENGAGED!!!!! I could not wait another moment to - TopicsExpress


YESSSS....WERE ENGAGED!!!!! I could not wait another moment to make this special announcement to our Facebook Family and Friends! I will try to make it short, but it will be hard (knowing everything this man (my King) did for me on the Island of Punta Cana). He shocked me and everyone else on the island! He pulled off the SURPRISE OF A LIFETIME! Here it is, my very first time traveling internationally, its my 50th BIRTHDAY, and the love of my life PROPOSED TO ME...PUTS A 5 CARAT DIAMOND on my finger...CENTER STAGE... IN FRONT OF A CROWD OF 1,000+ PEOPLE! Life doesnt get any better than this! Long story short, Friday night (my birthday August 1st), the group of 25 friends that we were with were all on island attending this HUGE magic show they have (approx. 9pm). In attendance is nearly the entire island and there were at least 1,000 people there. Mr. Sneaky says hes going to the bar to get me a pepsi and he will be right back. All of a sudden, I hear my name over the intercome LINDA HARPER, PLEASE COME TO THE STAGE. Shocked and not knowing exactly what was going on, I make my way to the stage (with what seemed to be a million eyes on me). The announcer says to everyone, today is Lindas 50th birthday and were all going to sing HB to her. Im like, okay, this is pretty cool. I get to the stage, and everyone starts singing. After its over, you could hear the roar and screaming of all the people. I thought that was it. All of a sudden, the host says, we have a gift for you from the Island of Punta Cana. The magician makes a T-shirt and their island liquor appear, and places it in my hand. Theres a big roar from the crowd again. I thank everyone and start to leave the stage. The host says, no no no my queen, we have another surprise for you. He says, well, your boyfriend has SPECIAL GIFT for you. All of a sudden, Harry takes the mic, grabs my hand and starts to look at me. He starts this beautiful speech with, you know how much I love you....weve been on a long journey together, and I want you to know its been worth every moment. I immediately start trembling like crazy because Im thinking no way, this cant be. All of a sudden, he grabs my hand and gets down on one knee. THE CROWD WENT CRAZY!!! While on his knees, he finishes and says, I love you so much Linda and I hope you know that. Im shaking profusely, and all of a sudden, I hear the most beautiful words ever. Holding my hands and looking me directly in my eyes, he continues to say, I came all the way to the beautiful island of Punta Cana to ask you....WILL YOU MARRY ME!!!! THE CROWD WENT BANANAS! WHAT A MOMENT FOR ME! The beautiful nightfall, the sound of the ROARING OCEAN, and the AMAZING ROAR OF 1,000 + PEOPLE.....Life doesnt get any better than this! From that moment on, Harry actually made me QUEEN OF THE ISLAND! Everyone....Everyday, kept stopping us and congratulating us. We were literally like celebrities (and thats not exaggerating). It was a moment that I will NEVER FORGET! I couldnt hold back the tears. WHAT A 50TH BIRTHDAY GIFT!!! FB, WE HAVE A WEDDING TO PLAN---YAYYY!!!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:42:29 +0000

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