.. YOGA A SARVANGA SADHANA “Yoga is a sarvanga sadhana” my - TopicsExpress


.. YOGA A SARVANGA SADHANA “Yoga is a sarvanga sadhana” my Guru used to assert often. It is for every part of the body, mind and brain. When one practices all the angas it could be easily experienced and verified. I wanted to just validate and maybe see some quantification of the effect of some of the internal procedures like the bandhas, Kapalabhati, inversions all unique to Yoga. So in Jan 2007, I requested a good friend and an exceptional yoga practitioner to help with a brief experiment. I asked him to do the inversions for a few minutes then kapalabhati then a few rounds of pranayama with the bandhas all to normalize the internal organs and get their positional integrity. He was ready for the experiment. The doctor was ready with a doppler machine for studying the vascularity. At first my friend was tested for the blood flow to the kidney, then he did deep uddiuana bandha along with muka bandha and maintaining a tight jalandhara bandha. He held the bandha for about ten seconds during which time the blood flow was again measured and finally he released the bandhas and the blood flow to the kidney was measured. It was found that the arterial and venous colour flow and doppler velocity was normal at rest at 39.4m/s. At the time of the yoga procedures (the bandhas) there was diminished colour flow and reduced doppler velocity at 20.1m/s. Then there was increased Renal Doppler flow velocity just after the yoga procedure was completed (here the bandhas) at 50.2m/s The impressed medical doctor who conducted the study said that the changes were significant. It meant that the blood flow was restricted during the bandhas w hen the organ was squeezed and as soon as the bandhas were released there was a rush of blood to the organ. What does it indicate? Nothing earth shattering. Just that the kidney and blood vessals associated with it can be accesses by appropriate yoga procedures, as my teacher l say. Of course the efficacy of these procedures will vary from person to person depending upon how well directed and intense the particular procedure would be. We can also conclude that if it would work for one organ by the same logic it would work for other organs including the heart, uterus, liver, pancreas etc. Of course those who need to study a number of studies can do so but here I wanted some validation and quantification. Different organs can be accessed and worked with different symmetric and asymmetric postures and then directing the bandhas. Hatayoga is a fabulous system developed by ancients (I believe so) and made very accessible to us by great yogis like my Guru. It is very systematic and comprehensive. As my Guru would say “Yoga is a sarvanga sadhana.” Like · · Promote.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:52:58 +0000

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