YOU BECOME YOUR TIME. You become what you spend your time. If you - TopicsExpress


YOU BECOME YOUR TIME. You become what you spend your time. If you spend time in Medical school and you will end up as medical doctor. Similarly if you spend time in the engineering school, you will end up as engineer. Our time shapes us. Wherever you spend time you smell. Spend time in the laboratory, you will smell chemicals. Spend time in the bakery, you will smell bread. Spend time in the toilet, you will smell shit men! Spend time in God presence, you will smell God! Moses spent time with God at the burning bush and he became a God to pharaoh (Exo 3:2-4, 7:1). Wherever we spend time, we receive something. This is the secret of incubation. When a hen sits on her eggs, she releases life into the eggs. Apostle Paul said “ But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord” 2 Cor 3:18. We are our time. Anything you give time you give life. Conversely anything you don’t give time you loose. Any man that does not give his time to his children will inevitably lose his children. Any marriage where the partners give more time to their work and business than they give to themselves will surely end up in a divorce court. Time is life. The easiest way to kill something is to stop giving it time. This principle can also help you in killing things you prefer not to have in your life. Any relationship that you stop giving your time will naturally die the same way a fire dies when you stop feeding it with wood. If you don’t give time to your spiritual life, you will die spiritually. FROM CONTROL THE TRAFFIC OF YOUR LIFE BY WILBERFORCE OTI
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 10:00:13 +0000

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