YOU CAN NEVER DIE.......Please read this! (You don’t need to - TopicsExpress


YOU CAN NEVER DIE.......Please read this! (You don’t need to make too much effort to prolong your life, because your life will never end actually.) You cannot die and you will never die! This is not a prayer, it’s not a joke and it’s not a lie, it’s nothing but undiscovered truth. As long as you are a human being you will not and cannot die. In the book of Genesis 3, the serpent said to Eve, “you will not surely die” its truth only that Eve didn’t understand the deep meaning and so Satan used it to trick her. God created us in his own image, that image of God is never dying image, unending image and unterminated image. That image is your soul. The image of God in human being is the soul, which goes beyond the physical body. The breath of God in a man is the life, the soul of a man. The soul of a man is his real image, real person and figure. That real person is inside your body that is your soul. As your body has parts so also soul, as your body has feelings and senses so also your soul. Your soul living inside your body is the real, original person that you are, your soul is the real you, and he never dies. The most important aspect of you is your soul, not your body. Your soul is permanent while your body is temporal. Your soul never dies but your body dies. Your soul is never ending, but your body will end by death. The end of your body is the beginning of your soul – the ending of your bodily existence is the beginning of your soul existence forever. You, as an entity, are an eternal, everlasting product of the breath of God. Psalm 49:7, 8. Your body is a shadow of a substance which is your soul. Shadow easily fades away but the substance remains. So also is your body as a mere shadow that can fade away any time, but you soul is the substance of your body. As it’s foolish to consecrate on the shadow more than the substance so it’s to everyone who cares and consecrate on their bodily well being more than their souls. You will not surely die! This is a statement from Satan to Eve, it’s a truth but, but half truth and Satan used it to entrap Eve. When Satan said, “you will surely not die” Eve should have asked,” How or when?” Half truth, sometime, is more dangerous than falsehood. Satan can use our ignorance, our little understanding to entrap us. That is the reason Bible warms us not to be ignorance of Satan’s devices. One of the major devices of Satan is to use half truth, quoting the word of God and mixing it up to deceive people. He tried to use it against Jesus Christ, quoting the scriptures (truth) half way and interpreting it in a wrong way, but Jesus knew the whole truth, and He was not ignorant of the devices of Satan. Half truth is half way that leads to wrong way. It’s not every spirit that quotes scripture in your mind that is from God, it’s not every preacher that quotes scripture belongs to God, and not every thought, suggestion or advice supported by scripture that is godly. So don’t be fooled, you need to search the whole scriptures, read the whole scripture and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the whole scripture before you can know the whole truth, you need to the know the whole truth before you can be free from the whole deceptions of Satan. Here is the whole truth about the statement Satan made to Eve in Genesis 3:4, “you will not surely die”, the total truth is, “your soul not dies, and if you follow the advice and suggestion of Satan, you will not die in hell fire. Satan was actually saying, “Yes, as long as you follow my suggestion, you will not die, but in hell fire”. The Embodiment You are an embodiment of a personality which contains your body and your soul. You have a physical body, inside of it is a soul, and between both are spirit and self: these are channels. Your spirit is like your God given conscience to give you the knowledge of what is good and wrong and to suggest the good for you to choose. Your self is an adamic, sinful nature which Satan uses to suggest evil, sinful thoughts and suggestions into your mind. In between bad and good suggestions is your ability, or freedom of choice as a free moral agent. Born Bad Everyone was conceived and born in sin right from the fall of Adam. Psalm 51:5. With this natural and sinful nature, your soul is defiled and doomed to destruction; your conscience is contaminated as your Self dominates. That is your real picture, in the real sense. Urgently you need Jesus Christ in your life to help you with your real situation. Born Again Since everybody is born with a bad nature and bred with a bad notion, there is need to be born again. John 3:3. To be born again means to have your bad nature, life transforms to a good and godly one. That only happens through Jesus Christ. You need to accept Jesus Christ into your life before He can transforms your life. Then how? Since you were conceived in sin, born in sin, and brought up in sin, you need to admit you are a sinner. But admitting you are a sinner will not make a different. Except you are ready to forsake your sins and old lifestyles, then you confess them to Jesus Christ, ask Him to forgive you and also cleanses you with His precious blood shed on the cross. Then you ask Him to save you. Here is the truth: Jesus Christ is the only one empowered by God to forgive sins, no matter how terrible or how long the sins have been in your life. Another good thing is that when Jesus forgives you, He also cleanses you. He pardons all your sins, all! He removes the contamination and consequences of those sins. What Happen? When you come to Jesus, accept Him into your life by repenting from your sins, confessing them, forsaking them, and then surrendering your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, what happen? Here is what takes place in your life immediately: (1) Total forgiveness from God. God, through Jesus Christ, forgives all your sins which you ever committed, and wipe them away from your record as if you never committed any sin at all. Too good to be truth but its truth, it is called good news. (2) Total cleansing from God. God, through the blood of Jesus, cleanses your defiled soul and redeems it by the sacrifice of Jesus. Since you were born in sin, your soul was doomed to destruction with Satan. To be free from that destruction, you or someone else needs to redeem you. The bitter truth is that no man can redeem his own soul or another persons soul; it’s too costly for any man. Psalm 49:7, 8. But the better truth is that Jesus Christ has already made the sacrifice and fully paid for your redemption. He died on the cross and rose the third day just because of you. When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, He immediately redeems your soul by cleansing and restoring your soul from the bondage and destruction of Satan. Psalm 49:15, - Peter 1:18, 19. He also cleanses your contaminated conscience. (3) Total reconciliation with God. When you surrender your life to Jesus Christ, He reconciles you back with God. The relationship that was lost from the Garden of Eden, the relationship between man and God that was canceled in the Garden of Eden will be reconciled and restored between you and God. (4) Total Assurance of Heaven. When you surrender your total life unto God, Jesus Christ will give you a big ticket to enter heaven and be with Him in beautiful heaven forever and ever. What a beautiful, glorious place you must not miss! John 14:2. Instead of you to be doomed in hell fire forever, you will now be decorated in heaven by angels with Jesus Christ forever. What are you waiting for? Then what are you waiting for? Now you need to bring your life to Jesus and surrender it unto Him for His transformation and regeneration. You don’t need to delay further. You need to give your old life, polluted life up to Jesus so as to give you a brand new life in Him. Delay can be dangerous, do it now. Admit your sins, surrender all to Jesus, ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you. Accept Him to be the Lord of your life and determine to be pleasing Him and following Him for the rest of your life till you get to heaven, no turning back to sin and the sinful world. Just pray it in prayer now! This message is from Revelation of Truth Evangelical Ministries, RTEM. 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Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 18:54:26 +0000

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