YOU MIGHT BE A PHOTOGRAPHER IF… -You go through the 5000 photos - TopicsExpress


YOU MIGHT BE A PHOTOGRAPHER IF… -You go through the 5000 photos from your last vacation and you appear in none of them. -You calculate the value of a new car in number of D800s. -People come up to you and ask what you’re shooting instead of how are you? -You camera bag is heavier than your normal luggage. -Abandoned factories, warehouses and barns fascinate you when you pass them by. -You walk in to a new room and start checking out how tall the ceiling is and if it’s white. -You hear a story with wizards and you instantly think Pocket Wizard. -At every family event, people hand you, and only you, their cameras to take their photo. -The worst thing you can hear from someone is “great photos, you must have an awesome camera.” -You’re gazing at the sunset with your loved one in your arms…and think f8 at 1/125. -You have an accident while climbing with your camera bag and you hurt yourself, but the first thing you do is check if the 5d mk3 is intact. -You’re at the movies and all you can think about is how the heck they got that amazing light on her face. Nikon D600 | Nikon D7100 | Nikon D800 | Canon 5D Mark III | Nikon D5200 -You take your camera with you when you go grocery shopping. -People tell you to focus on something and you instinctively think AF-S or AF-C? -The dead battery on your smartphone is due largely to the camera being on. -You are a guest at a wedding and you have your photo taken with the newlyweds. The photographer takes the camera to his eye and you’re just itching to tell him to bounce the flash or stand lower. -You’ve ever tried impressing a girl with your new 70-200mm f2.8 lens. -Most of the magazines in your home are about photography. -Your brother is planning his wedding in detail, yet there is no mention of any photographer because everyone knows that’s you. Except you. -You’re visiting a tourist attraction and you spot a couple taking photos with their D3200. You can’t help yourself and giving them advice on how to frame the shot. -You visit your newlywed cousins, they show you their wedding album and inside your head, all you can hear is a little voice complaining about how bad the photos are and what a better job you could have done, despite being a stock photographer. -You’re having dinner at a restaurant and instead of concentrating on your food, you wonder about the value of white balance at your table. - You drive through the scary parts of your city and instead of feeling scared, all you can think of is what a great documentary series you could photograph there. -The best gift you could get for Christmas is a photo gear voucher. -The value of your camera bag exceeds that of your car. -Your high school buddies used to call you paparazzi. -You find yourself saying “just one more” until it’s pitch-dark outside. -You photograph your aunts and they ask you to make them look younger in Photoshop. -You are seriously debating whether to buy a new purse or a new camera bag. -You are generally terrified of spiders but you just can’t keep away when you have a camera with a macro lens. -You know how “bokeh” is pronounced and what language it comes from. -When people ask you about your job, it’s ok to say you shoot people. -You have lost lens caps more times than your wife loses the car keys. -You secretly go through you girlfriend’s fashion magazines because you want to critique the fashion photos. -You look at yourself in the mirror and think of how quickly you could clone your blemishes and wrinkles. -You get annoyed when people think about your job as just pushing a button. -You take more photos of other people’s families than of your own. -You see people taking photos with the pop-up flash an you instantly become irritated. -Canon vs. Nikon is the new Rolling Stones vs. Beatles. -Friends frequently ask you to retouch their party photos. -Your coffee mug is the replica of a Canon L lens. -You go to a night club and the strobes constantly remind you of your last studio shoot. -You are out with your family for a picnic in a summer day and you just beat yourself for leaving your bulky camera at home. Just look at those clouds!! -You have a huge biceps…because of your D4 with the 70-200 f2.8. -The first section you check in a book store is the photography section. -Your ideal day at the beach involves a storm, heavy clouds and big waves. -Your closest friends have been your models at least once. -A good place to hang your cloths is your mounted tripod. -You go to the movies and before you go inside, you stare at the movie poster trying to count how many lights were used. -You know what moiré means. -You have 2 TB storage for photos only.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 02:09:35 +0000

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