YOU NEED TO KNOW MY WISH IS THAT YOU WOULD READ ALL OF THIS, i BELIEVE IT WILL BE FOR AND HELP SOMEONE.. LIFES STRUGGLES If theres one thing that the Old Testament has in abundance, its battle scenes. We might be tempted to skim these passages, thinking theyre just dry Historical records that have no relevance for our lives today. However, God has recorded these events in His word for our reproof, correction, and training (2 TIM. 3:16). By searching for the principles embedded in these accounts, well find truth that can transform our lives. For Instance consider the war between Israel and the Amalekites in Exodus 17:8-16. This was the Israelites first battle after God delivered them from slavery In Egypt. Their Journey through the wilderness had barely begun when the Amalekites started attacking the stragglers in the rear of the caravan (Deut. 25:17-18). The Israelites were in desperate need of help because this was not a fair fight. The Amalekites wre seasoned warriors, but the children of Israel were former slaves--experienced in making bricks, not war. Though victory looked impossible, Moses did two things to prepare, First, he told Joshua to choose men for an army; Then He took the staff of God and climbed with Aaron and Hur to a hilltop overlooking the battlefield. While combat raged below, Moses raised the staff. As long as his hands were lifted, the Israelites were victorious, but when his arms grew heavy and dropped to his side, the Amalekites gained the advantage. Seeing Moses struggle, Aaron and Hur sat him on a rock and stationed themselves on either side to support his arms. Before nightfall, Joshua and his men had overwhelmed their enemy. And by studying their victory, we can learn a great deal about the power of prayer. THIS STORY SHOWS US HOW TO WIN LIFES BATTLES. When a difficult circumstance arises, our immediate reaction might be to come up with a plan and tackle the problem in our own strength instead of first seeking the Lord. Or perhaps we become discouraged by our own inadequacy and judge the situation as hopeless instead of resting in His sufficiency. Both responses ignore the supernatural power available to us. Think about the struggles in your life. Maybe your dealing with an overwhelming situation and see no way out. It could be in the area of finances, health, work, school or anything that is causing stress and confusion. Or perhaps your struggling with an addiction, a negative attitude, strong desires, or emotional bondage. Whatever it is, there is hope if youll follow the example of the trio whose victory came through reliance on God.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 23:50:10 +0000

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