YOU REALLY NEED TO SEE THIS ASAP. IT PRESENTS SOME VERY IMPORTANT HISTORY TO EXPLAIN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER COMING INTO BEING NOW. At the point in the video 1:00:10 the first speaker quotes Jesus by saying, The truth can set you free. Without realizing it, hes actually using it to mean partly what Jesus was saying. This statement by Jesus is typically used by people when speaking about becoming enlightened about anything so that youre freed from ignorance and the frustration of uncertainty. Jesus was actually telling the Jews that by correctly understanding the golden rule and obeying it theyd be freed in two senses. First, theyd be able to free themselves from slavery to idolatrous Rome. Second, theyd be freed from anyone ever being able to justly condemn them of breaking the law and so deserving of punishment of various kinds. How would it help them free themselves from Rome? By caring for each other the way theyd want others to treat them, a very cohesive community would develop of single minded people. There would be no divisiveness at all which would allow them to form a very effective fighting force. Theyd be each others best friend and no one, said Jesus, could have greater love than being willing to give his life for another person. How would it make all things lawful, as Paul said, so that there would be no just condemnation of those who trust in the golden rule as sovereign God. Answer this question and youll see that this it true. If you treated another person the way youd want them to treat you, could they justly condemn you? Of course not. If they did, theyd be condemning themselves exactly the way the Pharisees did regarding Jesus! So, by obeying the golden rule the way it should be understood, you can be perfect just as Jesus said a person had to be if they wanted to get into the kingdom of God. See Mark 10:17-27 and Matthew 5:48 regarding this fact. Now, with regard to the gospel, its clear that the golden rule is the gospel and Jesus says that anyone can be perfect by correctly understanding and obeying it. This means that the popular doctrine of salvation due to Jesus paying the price of sin for everyone is wrong. Jesus plainly told his disciples that if they wanted to get into the kingdom of God theyd have to take up their own cross. By saying that, he was plainly telling them that he could not pay the price of entry into the kingdom of God or salvation and eternal life for them. They were going to have to pay that price for themselves just as he was demonstrating. He was saying, If I can do it, so can you or anyone else because unlike what the Pharisees teach which is impossible, my way is easy. They have hundreds of rules to follow that no one can keep consistently but I only have one rule which is to treat each other the way youd want to be treated by them. Jesus also said that the correct understanding of the entire Bible was by correctly understanding the golden rule and the apostle James reiterated this very thing. Paul also implied it in 1 Corinthians 13 while admitting that he didnt clearly understand it yet. If you or anyone adds even one other stipulation or requirement for being saved than simply treating each other with sincere care and respect, a different gospel will develop by which no one can be saved because it will be of the same nature as what was being taught by the Scribes and Pharisees and of the same nature as what is being taught by Islam and Catholicism and so many other legalistic belief systems. By legalism I am speaking of trying to consistently keep laws to the letter, something that is ultimately impossible to do as Ive already pointed out. This way of trying to be saved forces people to be hypocrites where they excuse themselves for doing the same things that they condemn others for doing just as Jesus charged the Jews of doing and for which he called them the sons of Satan because they were leading people away from the truth instead of to it. He charged them of willfully being blind because anyone at any time in history could recognize that the golden rule is the true and best way of life which is why its called the eternal life. Because of this people are without any legitimate excuse and are justly condemned so that they deserve the results of disobedience to it, the ultimate punishment being death. This is why Joshua, after saying that as for him and his family they would serve God or obey the golden rule in other words, could lead the Israelite army into the land of the Canaanites and be justified in slaying them by the thousands. Its exactly why Christians today are justified in accepting the challenge of war declared by Muslims against them and take up arms against them and the golden rule empower them to win. https://youtube/watch?v=T6eSsaoLSfE
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 14:28:12 +0000

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