YOU SUCK!!!.....NO, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!!! Todays rant is about - TopicsExpress


YOU SUCK!!!.....NO, YOU DONT UNDERSTAND!!!! Todays rant is about judgement without understanding. Now all of us are guilty to We watch a you tube video, a class or a dvd and come away saying "well that wont work, or that sucked". we might feel that our extensive experiance in the arts gives us a platform to judge. I think not. For us to.judge a technique or tactic we need to first understand it. If not our evaluations will be flawed. A few example come to mind from my own experience. let me share them. 1. I found a forum post about one of my former instructors where a kali instructor was mocking and ridiculing some taxtics my instructor was teaching. He clearly didnt understand what he was seeing. Any kali practitioner reading his who has trained with either me or the Redfeather Family will tell you how effective that system is. The reviewer was basing his opinions on what is considered wrong within the framework of his art. which is not the same as being universally wrong. a boxer would tell a wing chun fighter that he is punching wrong but the bottom line ia that they both can deliver a knock.out blow. My old karate teacher once told me that capoeria was bad because hey had no foundation from throw their kicks. I have to tell you my karate instructor was a BAD ASS at karate, but he didnt have a clue about capoeria. I know because about.a year later i was sparring with a capoeria player and to this day i have never felt a more powerful kick than his. Another example comes to mind, my good friend was sitting in on me testing one of my students for.rank and he performed a technique that looked ridiculous. my friend stood up and called me to the other room. He basically asked me what the hell the student was doing. It looked to ineffective and weird to work. I said go let him do it on you. the student did and my visiting sensei was more than convinced. If he had seen it on you tube he probably would have chalked it up to being a stupid technique. up this rant i will say this. a boxer can judge boxing. a kenpo player can judge kenpo. If its not your art dont judge. your lack of.understanding may make your observations incorrect. Instead when you see something ypu think.looks nuts ask.a qualified instructor to explain the principles at play or the finer points so.that you can make.a more informed judgement.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 12:32:41 +0000

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