YOU THINK YOU ARE SMART? You were elected as a political office - TopicsExpress


YOU THINK YOU ARE SMART? You were elected as a political office holder but since you won elections either into the executive or the legislature, all that mattered to you is all about yourself, your family and few friends. Whenever you are challenged about fulfilling your electoral promises or performing the duties laid down for you in the Constitution, you dismiss all that with a wave of the hand and smile thinking you will be there forever. Your disgrace and penury will soon come. You are the school teacher at whatever level but you are neither committed to the programme of the institution nor to the academic well-being of your students and you spend the larger part of your official hours doing private business yet you are eager to seek salary increase or lobby for undeserved promotion and you think you will end well. Your punishment has been ordained in heaven and it will soon catch up with you. You are a medical or healthcare practitioner yet the whole of your thinking is dominated by money or the importance of your position and the health of your patient has never been of any serious importance to you and you never cared whether things are okay or not as long as you get paid yet you think you will never be sick. The day of reckoning will soon come when your position and money will be of no consequence and you will realise how unimportant you really are. You are the business man ruining Nigeria and impoverishing Nigerians in collaboration with corrupt politicians because of your pattern of business that supplies either fake or substandard goods and you think since you have bribed your way with men you are secured from prosecution. Get ready, the court of heaven will soon send an angel of fiery tribulation to enforce the judgement against you, You are the gifted pastor who is placed over a congregation to feed the flock of God with knowledge and understanding but you have left your assignment to hobnob with men of perverted thinking and you have now turned the church into your personal estate and you think you are safe since nobody knows what you are doing? Be reminded that Satan is your enemy and you may end in the hottest regions of hell. You are the pea-brained student whose parents are struggling in the village or city slum or wherever to finance your education and secure a better future for you yet you spend your days and nights playing with focus-less and misdirected young men or women and you think you will get some short-cuts to success before the day is over. Be sure you will end up serving those serious and focused classmates of yours who you are making jest of today. You are the unfaithful partner in a relationship who thinks he or she is smart and streetwise while the other person is the mumu and you double-time and jump from bed to bed or from chalet to hotel and you believe you can make things up eventually when you are about to be married. Not only will you reap what you are sowing, you will not get what you desire, but what you deserve in a seven-fold negative fashion. Be sure demons will be glad to flog you. You are the carefree parent who leaves your children entirely at the hands of house-helps and teachers and you never care to administer discipline at home while you criss-cross from Dubai to New York, Beijing to London and you think your children will turn out to be fit and proper people tomorrow. You are a joker and you will may be shocked to discover that the remainder of Elis punishment is reserved for you. Is it not better you examine your ways now? Is it not needful you take corrective measure now? Most short-cuts never lead to the right destinations. That which you ought to do now is what you should do! I remain your Life Coach... Blessed Beyond Curses!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:22:59 +0000

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