YOU WILL BECOME GREAT IF YOU DONT GIVE UP: We are all born with - TopicsExpress


YOU WILL BECOME GREAT IF YOU DONT GIVE UP: We are all born with empty brains and empty lives. Then we start growing up, and start making choices and decisions in our lives which ultimately determines how happy or unhappy, how successful or miserable, how great or mediocre we end up becoming. Those who are great among us are those who realized on time that who they become in life solely depends on them, and therefore they made conscious efforts to become great against all odds. Just Like Barack Obama who has written his name on the everlasting sands of time, said Our destiny is not written for us, but by us. Failures are those who believe that their destiny is in Gods hands, and thus are continually hoping and waiting for God. But God is not partial, and thats why when were born, God gives us all equal opportunities and inalienable rights to become whoever we want and create our own destiny. Some give up their rights along the way and lose the fight, while others keep fighting and eventually become great despite the overwhelming challenges they had to endure and the obstacles and adversities they had to overcome. A typical example is Joseph. His own brothers betrayed him, tried to kill him, and eventually sold him into slavery. Then he ended up in prison for a crime he didnt commit. But despite his ordeal, he never gave up his right or the fight for his dream which he had when he was little and in his fathers house. He could have ruined his destiny if he had slept with his masters wife who tried to seduce him. He could have also ruined his destiny if he had given up hope and stopped trying to fulfill his dreams while he was incarcerated. But Joseph held on to his dream, even though it was all he had left. So Dont give up, my friend. Keep believing and holding on to your dream, and one day youll become great.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 22:54:38 +0000

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