YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN Richard Dean Shover - TopicsExpress


YOUR EYES WIDE OPEN Richard Dean Shover 16 March 2014 Attempting to push others to think and use their major working organ that protects, develops and nurishes their body I will attempt to put into simple language for others the balance of nature how your mind uses its sensory inputs to safeguard your living being, not your sould but the body itself. If that didnt intrigue you into further reading of this paper then I hope you keep reading further as I will give descriptions of analysis of how your own brain tends to associate with other organs and use this partnership with them for a TOTAL surrounding landscape we all call reality. This is nothing really new, all mammals, sea creatures and land loving species also do it but in their own limited values which span many spectrums of both light and heat readings they depend on for survival. But lets get to this subject. Your eyes use focal lensing allowing you to look at an item, allow the back frontal lobes to analysis the image, identify it from past images and identify it to determine from past memory imprints on storage areas whether its a clear present danger or a loved one. The Rex dinosour is suspected to actually have a multiple lensing system that gave them both binolocular and telescoping vision but thats another story. What is amazing is the fact that our own eyes if fully developed have not just HD vision but leading research call it XHD saying Extra High Defination vision we still dont understand and you dont see but your brian does. What happens is as the vision impulses in electrical travel down your cortical nerve into the brain it gets distributed into the areas of the brain that translates it into a backward reading stimulation and since your brain streams pulses through chemical distribution of information it becomes quantium mathamatical algrothrems only so far your brain can also intrepret and since each brain is different and individual then each brain does this in its own secular way. Mapping your brain helps but science is indulged with the sheer amount of information that it takes them decades just to figure out what is happening between the eyes and brain. Now this isnt just isolated there. It also happens with your ears, taste and smell but again those are other papers again. If you sit in TOTAL darkness and close your eyes, you still see a white light and eventually if relax hard enough you can just begin to see shooting spurs of light. That is your brain working to find more information since that is exactly what your brain does. It looks for information to decipher and store or use decisively as needed. One of the reasons why you dream is because your mind, since it never totally sleeps to keep body functions alive it constanly looks for input and if it cant while you sleep then it wants to replay recent inputs in working models to find deeper meanings of those inputs. Your Eyes themselves are very remarkable organs in themselves and not only do they give you 180 deg. vision if working properly but they can under certain situations using elvolving technology can give you more than just 1 percent of the total wavelengths in the cosmos. Its almost like a protective vision they dont show you all that is out there. If you imagine just what it would look like in your eyes with the aid of your mind to not just see visible light but infra-red, ultra-violet, solar distruption radiation, gamma ray and neutro particles just to mention a few then your eyes would blind you with a wide array of senses, colors, heat, pain and finally blindness. You HAVE to protect what God gave you as with any part of the body. Never rub your eyes and try to use a very soft cloth to simply wipe them gently. Only use drops if your doctor advises it due to tear duct inflamination, muscle tearing or surgical damage, consult your vision doctor first. Dont depend on sunglasses to protect your vision only. Eat a balanced diet of 10% animal proteins in meats, lots of fish and the rest in fruits and veggys for additional fiber content and nutrients. In the near future designer eyes will be available for damaged eyes but also including micro-thin contacts that will wireless give you very fine definable window screens outside of your direct vision to keep you connected to the WWW and additional screens that tell you outside surrounding temps and conditions as well as bio-updates of any organ inside your body in danger of needing a replacement but this is all at least fifty years away. So Stay tuned and keep WATCH and consider this paper and have a discussion on the many topics included within and search the WWW for anything you find of a curiosity. A.T.A. DATA RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC. ©14
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 11:16:52 +0000

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