:YOUR ON STAGE ACTION........i had a guy tell me to SHUT UP while - TopicsExpress


:YOUR ON STAGE ACTION........i had a guy tell me to SHUT UP while i was in the audience sitting talking to a lady he told me from the stage he wasnt singing but telling a joke he talked me like a kid over the mike in front of everybody i had just got done singing on that same stage i tried to just make a joke of it rather than make a seen i said i didnt know this was study hall and raise my hand and ask him if i could go to the rest room i went to rest room just laughed about it and let him finish his part of the show and i went home then the next morning a friend of mine told me he was bragging about how he made my face get red and how he told me off this mans motives had nothing what so ever to do with music its becuase a women he wants total control of is my friend he wants me out of the picture period.when i heard that he was bragging about his lack of respect for me and the stage he was performing on I wait till he did a show today at my nursing home i used to be in folks this was my home for a long timei waited till he was done with his show and told him i had some friends that i had not seen in 25 years come to hear RUSS DALTON that night it was bad enough they had to see a cripped walk in singer perform i am a shell of the entertanier i use to be you see NONE OF MY NEW FRIENDS except jake and jim realize what i was or have done in music they love me but to them i am just another walk in who has written some good songs lots of love but very little respect for me as a singer i am treated no different than anyone else that walks threw those doors and gets to sing 2 songs with the band and i dont think its to much for me to be treated like everyone else no one gets yelled at from that stage this is a nice family place with great people who play there and own it i respect them all so much when i told the guy not to ever do this to me again and i meant that i thought it was very un profesional for him to do that to anyone from the stage he said he was the leader and he CONTROLED THE AUDIENCE AND IF I WAS GONNA GET SO UPSET NOT TO COME BACK THERE by this time i was very very hot i tild him thats what you want me to do is not come back for your own personel selfshes reasons that i would be there that he wasnt gonna do that to my friends and fans i have alot people who love me and i love them i have been in music for 50 years HECKLERS ARE BAD ENOUGH IN THE AUDINENCE THEY DONT BELONG ON STAGE you dont control a audience from the stage we played in front of 3000 people had do control that bunch its simple by your talents you should not have to tell someone to shut up and listen IF YOU GOT THE TALENT THEY will listen you are there to entertian them not control them.I GOT REALLY MAD AT THIS GUY ITS BEEN YEARS SINCE I HAVE GOTTEN THIS PISSED OFF i was told this was not the place my old home to do it when i became heated i respect the band and the stage they were playing i waited till show was overi lived with most these folks they love me where is the place to go face to face with a man and tell him how you feel because i had a stroke doesnt mean i am not a man who who cant defend his honor for the respected i have worked years for folks if you dont understand my actions i am sorry but if you defend his actions then he is contolling you to i diid nothing to deserve what he did to me and the bragging about it just got to me so did what i had to do what i did as a MAN WHO LOVES MUSIC AND MY FANS AND FRIENDS its his equiment i sing on every week he does not own the place he told me if i dont like what he did not to come back i think the world of the good folks there and tried to respect them and the owners by doing what i did WHERE i did it dont know if i will be there or if i will be welcome there i dont want anyone to take sides i told him what i wanted to tell him my feelings for him or his feelings for me should not have anything to do with what we do on stage problem is i respect that stage he does not i will leave you with his words I CONTROL THE AUDIENCE IF YOU DONT LIKE IT DONT COME BACK folks please do not judge this place this man one o fMANY SINGERS of the people their its a good place to go i will tell you to go even i am not there i will keep you posed one person talked about driving from tennessee to hear me dont do that till you call me ALL YOU LOCALS SHOULD GO YOU WILL LIKE ITVERY NICE TALENTED PEOPLE THERE PLEASE COME to show
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 05:20:41 +0000

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