YOUR REAL URGENCY AS A CALLED OUT ... Understanding the - TopicsExpress


YOUR REAL URGENCY AS A CALLED OUT ... Understanding the Significance of Dying Without God. In principle, I am quite reticent to add my Faith to whatever people say about some after-life experiences they claim to have made in hell or about it. I would not say these are not true but there is no need to listen to them to understand the seriousness of Hell and the Gehenna. I also know that many preachers of this modern Christianity who are deeply influenced by the New Age spirituality now even deny the Biblical narrations of Hell and Judgments, that they consider to be inconsistent with the idea of the divinity of Christ and His Salvation works. Altogether, those who are highly inclined in the direction of the New Age mostly avoid speaking about Hell, Judgment of sinners and the ultimate damnation of sinners souls. But today I dedicated some hours listening to some of these experiences and came across one of the most fascinating experience a very notorious man made, witnessed by trustworthy people in what is called the near-death experience. What is so special about the near-death experience? Let me explain this first before I come to the experience of that very notorious men who is one of the most well known man in the sphere of Satanism. Understanding mans truine self We may tend to think that the Near - Death experience is something only a few go through, but it is not...Every human being, whether he is a Christian or not, at a certain point of his or her dying moments lives it, It is in fact a very normal experience and I will explain why. We all concur that a man is a triune-self, composing of a spirit, a soul and a body. This is how he is created. Every human being exists in this form, whether he or she is a born again believer or not. The only difference is that a born again believer has a regenerated spirit in communion with Christ whereas a non believer has a separated spirit from the light of Christ. The spirit of a man sees things in the spiritual but this sight is excluded from the conscious visiblity of a man. This is the reason why we are not conscious of what our spirit sees. We are closer to our body and our soul in general than our spirit. What our spirit sees is communicated into our lives as spiritual understandings to our renewed mind, then manifested as Faith, yet we cannot still level with everything our spirit sees. For the case of a Born Again believer, his/her spirit sees Christ, in His brightness and glory, being of the same nature as Christ. However this sight is not easily communicated to our mind and understanding because we still live in a corruptible body and with a natural mind (which does not grasp the spiritual). For the case of a non-believer, his spirit also sees, but he does not see God, he sees darkness. His spirit is in communion with the power of darkness and is even subjected to this power. This is why it is easy for Satan to communicate into the spirit of a non believer than in a believer, unless the believer has back-slided in his spirit. Our soul and our body are the main obstacles towards a total life in the spirit. This is because the soul imposes a high degree of awareness on our lives based on its inheritance of an Adamic life culture. This is the part that the Scriptures call the old man in you and me and even exhort us to strip off this old man in order to put on the new man which is the born again spirit. It is also an exhortation to move from the natural mind (soul) to the spirit mind (spirit). Our body also exerts a strong pressure on our living balancing more our lives into the soul side than into the spirit side, because of our physical appetites and desires, aspirations of happiness and pleasures. When we live in a carnal state, our soul reflects more our fleshy desires and struggles towards their accomplishment.[This is what Apostle James defined as ... lusts that war in your members? - James 4;1) But when we live in a spiritual state (when the flesh is kept under control, living a life of prayer and faith), the soul is then subjected to our spirit and reflect the desires of the spirit and also hungers for these desires. When a soul seeks prayer and the meditation of the Word, this means that the soul is subjected to the spirit. But when the soul is craving after pleasures of this world, like any worldly man would crave, then the soul is subjected to the carnal flesh...Many Christians cannot make this difference. They are living in the carnal, yet think they are in the spiritual. What happens when a man dies? A man is different from an animal because he is a truine being, whereas an animal is a dualistic being. An animal has a body and a soul only. Its soul is attached with its body. When the body of the animal dies, the soul likewise dies because a soul cannot exist in a singular state. In the case of a man, the soul is not attached to the body, but to his spirit, whether he is a Christian or not. So when the body of a man dies, there is a splitting of the soul of that person from the body and a complete bonding with his spirit. Before the soul was evenly attached to the spirit and the body. But when the body dies, the soul recede from the body and stand entirely on the side of the spirit. It is at this moment of separation that the near-death experience manifests in the person. What is in reality the near-death experience? It is a flash moment where the person regain a spiritual ability to see what his spirit is seeing. The spirit world opens for a short moment to his sight the moment his soul completely leaves his body. In the case of a believer, the awareness of the light of Christ is manifested. The believer sees Christ on the seated on the Throne. This is exactly what our spirit sees now, and this becomes a soulish awareness in the near-death experience. This sight is the greatest ever sight a man can see in the whole eternity. The peace of God in all its fullness is manifested and the joy of the manifold glory of the presence of God is open to all its magnitude before the eyes of the believer that his spirit cannot retain the gladness that overruns his heart. that experience was lived by Stephen, even in his consciousness at the moment of his stoning (Acts 7:56) There is a powerful leap of his spirit and soul towards this glorious light of Christ. In the case of a non believer, there is an opposite scenery. The sight of a total darkness, in fact it is a really indescribable darkness, unknown to any visual eye, that opens to his sight. The particularity of this darkness is that it produces an indescribable fear instantly into the whole spirit and soul of that person. It is a terrifying fear which paralyzes both the spirit and the soul. More importantly, the terror that characterizes this darkness increases greatly as one advances into it. No man in his living has ever experienced such a magnitude of terror in all his earthly life. There is a struggle in that man spirit and soul not to depart into that darkness. The intensity of this struggle cannot be measured so much the spirit of the unsaved man is terrified at this moment of death. This is why many people cry horribly, others swear like they had never done before, others scream wildly and still many seek to remain in their dying bodies instead of leaving. The Case of Anton LaVey (1930 - 1997) Anton Szandor LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan in 1966 in New York, of which he was anointed reverend or High Priest, and has written even the Satanic Bible. He created, as known, the greatest Satanic organisation in the world, with a vast system of discipleship over Europe and America. He could be defined as the greatest ever blasphemer of God in the last century and perhaps for many more. LaVey was an unconditional lover of Satan and devoted everything for Satanic cults, rumors being that he slained his wife sacrificially to Satan. I have spent some time to listen to some of his interviews and found a man who never missed a single occasion to blaspheme God and Jesus Christ in public, naming Satan to be God and declaring God to be of the same nature as Satan. When Anton LaVey was on his bed of death, he was delighted at first at the mere thought of dying because he believed that death would unite him with his god, that is Satan for eternity. His last moments were witnessed by his daughter who was keeping bedside watches over him. At a certain point of his dying moments, Anton LaVey, cried out in a semi-consciousness: Something is wrong, Something is wrong. And he started to shudder like a man can never shudder...He say a light, but it was not the light of God, it was the moment where the spiritual vision took over the physical vision...and the whole terror of darkness stood open in all its magnitude before him, terrified as never a man could be. This experience was narrated by her own daughter, herself an ex-Satanist, and she heard her father cried out in a hardly human voice : God help me! God help me...before he expired for good. You can find the narration of LaVeys daughter of this near-death experience on You- Tube. Reading this should bring all of us to this great question: Have we really understood what for God saved us? Do we really understand the hardship of suffering souls and the danger towards which they are heading if they die without Christ in this world? Or are we so selfish about ourselves, our victories, our successes, and our prosperity and our anointing that such a crucial consideration of Heaven is relegated to our lesser priorities...Think about this Church!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 20:09:34 +0000

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