****YOURS TRULYS REPORTS TO HEAVEN OUR COSMIC HEAVENLY PARENTS BLATANT AND BLUNT DARE TO ALL MANKIND AND ATTENTION TO ALL FACEBOOKS USERS AND ALL SOCIAL MEDIA FROM THE ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS I Dare Any One from Head of States and ALL Your Excellencies and Ministers Even INC AND QUIBOLLOYs Pastor Quibolloy and EDDIE VILLANUEVA AND MIKE VELARDE AND VATICAN and Existing the Five Ancient and Great Religions and Civilizations and and Even UN and all your excellencies DNA test all the lineages of our TORRES-ALEGRE by our BLESSED PARENTS MSSR. JORGE PEREZ-LUMIBAO-CALIMLIM ALEGRE AND OUR DEMISED MOTHER MADAME JULITA BORER-TOLETE-UBANA ALEGRE came from the FIVE MAJOR AND MINOR RELIGIONS AND CO GREAT CIVILIZATIONS OF THE WORLD... For the Glory of God our Heavenly Parents and True Parents, MESSIANIC FIGURES/MESSIANIC LEADERS AND MESSIANIC BUSINESS MOGULS IN 3rd SEPTEMBER 2012 BY ANC YAHOO NEWS AGENCY OF ABS CBN PHILIPPINES AND AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE (AFP) and True Families, the ONE COSMIC FAMILIES OF UNDER OUR GOD PARENTS our HEAVENLY PARENTS FOR ALL INFINETESIMAL FOR EONS TO EONS TO EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING TILL ETERNITY FOR EONS HERE IN LA TRINDAD SUBD., INTERNET CAFFEE TRECE MARTIRES CITY (4109), CAVITE, PHILIPPINES, 1133H still scouting for best COY in PHILS AND INTERNATIONAL LIKE ADPI AND STRABAG GMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**** RE-POST OF SO BELOVED BETTER HALF AS POSTED BY HER 22 OCTOBER 2013 --------REPORT TO HEAVEN BY OUR GREAT PATRIARCHS GRANDPAs JESUS UBANA and our SO BLESSED GREAT LOLA WIFE OF OUR LOLO JESUS ALSO IN UNITY AND ONENESS WITH ALSO OUR LOLOS AND LOLAS, THE FOUR FOUNDERS OF ANCIENT SO GREAT RELIGIONS AND CIVILIZATIONS ALL IN CHEONGPYEONG ORIGINAL PALACE WHICH OUR BLESSED PARENTS INHERITED FROM THEM ALL AND US COUPLE ALSO SAME INHERITING ALL THEIR HUMBLE WORKS AND DEEDS AND OUR NETWORKS OF TRIBES AND CLANS INCLUDING FAMILY AND REGISTRATION AND AS WELL AS THE REPORT OF OUR BLESSED PARENTS FOR AND BEHALF OF FFWPU TO KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IN HEAVEN AND THEIR TRIBUTE AND AUTOBIOGRAPHIES OF OUR GREAT Patriarchs of Major / Minor Religions from the Four Ancient Founders Religions like Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam and the Rest of Minor Religions these where all the LINEAGE OF OUR BLESSED PARENTS CAME FROM DATING BACK AT THE ANCIENT TIMES FROM SHEM/JAPHETH TO JESUS UBANA AND TILL THIS FOURTH YEAR OF CIG Their Dedications and Tribute on behalf of them by our Blessed Parents for Glory to the Highest Tenets of Adoration to the Cosmic Families of Especially to our Heavenly Parents our God Parents True Parents, the New Messianic Leaders/Messianic Figures and Messianic Business Moguls, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and together with His “the Bride”, the Rev. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon mentioned so many times both of Them in the Holy New Testament and more particularly in the Book of Revelation in Figures and Parables as well as in other Ancient World Scriptures So Lovingly True Lovely Dedicated by our so humble Servants Blessed (Patriarchs of Major / Minor Religions and Faith Based Organizations Local and International) our many great/humble and Servants Elders/Young broods and Families the beloved Blessed Ancestors and Blessed Families up to so forth consanguinities as well all the Cain and Abel Networks by our humble Servants Blessed Parents inherited from our Great Patriarch Jesus Ubana the First True Father and the First Messiah in the New Testament, our Lolo Jesus and Lola Veronica (ALL LINEAGES FALLEN) and as Testified by St. John the Divine in Mount Patmos and Jesus Christ bequethed everything the Foundations of all Ancient Religions and Civilizations to our most Revered True Father Moon, Jesus unfinished missions of Building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as in Heaven most of all to engraft all humanity in unity/oneness with the cosmos and all God our Parents Handy Works of Creation to become the Direct Divine Sons and Daughter since the Time Book of Genesis up to 21 October 2013 4th year of CIG and as our Collective Testimonies and Tributes for and on behalf of Servant-Humble FFWPU World Wide Families and our Testimonials for True Parents Las Vegas Ministries and Families and Humanity, Cosmos and Gods’s All Handy works of Creations from the Time of Genesis until This 4th year of CHEON IL GUK and for eternity, Humanity, cosmos and all Gods’s creations since Genesis hence came from ONE SO HUGE FAMILIES UNDER OUR SO MOST BELOVED GOD PARENTS prior the coming of Heaven the Formless/Universal Prime Force and now after the Era Coming of Heaven also The Same, our Heavenly Parents or God our Parents. After the Coming of Heaven on Earth World Wide, our God our Parents for eternity have full authority and immanence in the entire Universe and Cosmos. Also They are Substantial and Embodiment of our God Parents called the New Messianic Leaders/Messianic Figures and Messianic Business Moguls, also called the New Christs or New Messiahs known as the True Avatars. The New Teachings of Mettayya Buddhas has been a worldwide phenomenal Teachings. The New Bahaullahs fulfilled, completed and perfected to perfection the New Buddhist prophecies. The So Perfected Divine are the Promised Ones by the Jews the expected New Messiahs or New Christs for the Greek for Medhi who had returned a second time born in the Flesh to the ends of the world. For the Zoroastrians (Parsees) the Saoshyants, for the Hindus the Kalki Avatars, as well as being for Buddhists the New Metteyya Buddhas. The Renewed Spiritual Guidance and the New Social Teachings had been given and bequeathed by the New and True Bahaullahs. The True Man and True Woman for Confucianist, the Second Coming of the True Chongdoryongs in the Chonggamok and the Returning True Choe Su-un, who had founded the Chondogyo, who are the now the Original Root and in Unity and Oneness with the True Families, the Thirteen True Children and Grandchildren together with all the Blessed Children of FFWPU World Wide Families and members of True Parents Las Vegas Ministries and Lovingly Life Ministries of our so beloved Elder Sister the Rev. In Jim Nim Moon and her so beloved husband by Preston and Wife and Families and those who are and will be born by the rest of the parents in Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and by their ancestors in the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven who have not yet received the CIG blessing and Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven of mankind’s blessed children 22nd Feb. 2013 and those who joined and persevered throughout their life of attendance and volunteer service they all belong to the first resurrection for all of them and the rest of humanity to enjoy only the ORIGINAL WORLD of God our Parents, True Parents in unity and oneness centering with the True Children Families and True Grand Children of True Parents as well as beloved ancestors of True Parents. We always acknowledged the single mindedness missions of our eldest sister the Rev. In Jin Nim and her Husband by Preston and his wife and Families of both Preston’s father and our elder sister Rev. In Jin Nim Moon-Preston and all the Direct and members of the True Families direct Heirs of our Godparents. True Father have now the Direct dominion and exercised full authority as ever transitioning from physical and spiritual world to directly manage all affairs of the entire world of essence and world of phenomenon and our most revered True Mother Moon will continue the remaining task of Building the Kingdom of Heaven of the Original World of our Godparents desires for eons and eons to infinitesimal to infinity so Divine Altruistic True Love of all bequeathed / inherited by our True Mother from True Father Moon. Our humble gratitude to all the Works and Deeds and one of these specially Cheongpyeong and all Staffs. Paid by the Blood, Sweat, Tears of our True Parents and True Families as well our many so great Leaders who have died and who are in the 144,000 first resurrections till 22nd CIG Blessing, 12th January 2013 and 1960 Holy Marriage Feast and Supper of the Lamb and hence in many and all the Organizations, Movements, Symphosia, Seminars, Foundations and amongst others (i.e. HSA-UWC, FFWPU, UPF, TONGIL FOUNDATION AND ALL BUSINESSes, MEDIA IN PRINT OR TV, Pantanal WORKS, W-CARP, PARP, TARP, CAUSA, ICUS, IWC-NGIS, ICF, ACLC and amongst others connected to the New Providence of our Heavenly Parents and the Substantial bodies of our Godparents, Father Moon and Mother Moon, as of this date of 22 October 2013) and the entire COSMOS, father and mother nature as well. Authored by : Madame Jelly Macasilhig (Macasiljig) Toroy-Torres-Alegre/Princess Faith Hannah T. Alegre + 2 blessed baby boys that we have requested/prayed and with JONG SONG of TRUE LOVE to our so beloved elder HJNM and Families, our so beloved DMN and Families and staffs and Families in 5th of November 2005 in Sampaloc, Tanay Rizal, Octagon Liberation Hall, Tanay Cheongpyeong II, PHILIPPINES (the humble replica of the Original Cheongpyoeng and all Facilities in our Shinning Fatherland Korea) at the time of our so humble and beloved Parents and Continental Leaders, the Rev. Christopher and Mrs. Julia Kim and Families as well as Their Extensions of Families from Cain and Abel. Our humble deep and profound gratitude to our so many beloveds like Dr. Sung Hung Lee and his wife and Families and the authors of Blessed Family (Green Book), FFWPU WORLD WIDE Servant Families, the late Jun Basuil and His Families and Wife and Families, those humble Cavite Blessed Families headed by bro. Rey Estoce and his Japanese wife and Families, Ding Badua’s Families, Ninong Eric Niduasa and Ninang and Families, Ate Diding and Joseph Navalta and Families , Rev. Yong and Families in 2010-2011 and also bros, Edwin Granada and wife’s Families, Eric and Rommel and their Families and all Our so Great Elders our Bon Bon Wang and Families, the Famliies of Uncle Umberto Andaluci and wife Aunt Marilyn Famliies who emphatized with our Families with the demise of our blessed mother and our bro. Jose. All the sacrifices also of elder brother Jorge Zaragosa Alegre and ate Leticia Estocado Families, Mhel (Mary Joy) and Families by Romy and Kristine Angela by her father Ronnie Romasanta Families, Willy/Joanne and Families , Rosendo and Eloiza and Families, Ivette and Jon Jon and Families, Amanda and Aaron May Garcia and Pokwang May’s Friend and Families at the time of his last days till death of our bro. Jose and All the Broods and cousins of coming from our Lola Imang and Lolo Cosme, Lolo Monico and Lola Olympia and the Parents of the Mother of ate Celerina Zaragosa-Edora and Alvin Edora Families and ate Claire Zaragosa Alegre-Bautista Families. Edited by my so beloved better half Alfred Ubana Date Edited (Latest) : 22 October 2013 – 0849H Introduction The Manifestations of the Everlasting Universal and more than a True Prophet-hood but the Direct Lineage of God-Parents had appeared in Their fullness and grandeur, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and together with His “the Bride”, the Rev. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon mentioned so many times both of Them in the Holy New Testament and more particularly in the Book of Revelation in figures and parables are more than and the Greatest of all Independent or Universal Prophets like Abraham, Moses, Muhammad, the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh but They are The True Ones and the Incarnate God the Father and God the Mother. But the others who had appeared in the past and even on this modern age are the followers and promoters like Solomon, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. These two Independent Prophets are the Founders and They have established a New Religion called Unificationism, the most Elite/the Most Royal and the most majestic of them all soaring above the Rest of All, the Most Majestic Phoenix and the only Religion/Church (FAMILY CHURCH OR UNIFICATION CHURCH WORLD WIDE AND INTERNATIONAL and TRUE PARENTS LAS VEGAS MINISTRY) with the Highest Words of Truth of all. They make and have made New Creatures of Men and Women to become True Persons of God our Parents. They have changed the General Morals, and They have promoted the New Customs and Rules. Both of Them are more than Divine and have renewed the Cycles and the Laws of Fallen Humanity. The appearances of Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon together with called “The Bride” as prophesied many times in the New Testament more specifically in the Book of Revelation as testified by St. John the Divine to Jesus in Mount Patmos, The so Divine couple is like the season of Springs which arrays all earthly beings with New Garments and gives them a New Life by engrafting all mankind through the “Blessing of Holy Marriage of and Holy Juice or Wine Ceremony” or in the Holy Bible beginning in 1961 hence in The Book of Revelation of the New Testament “The Marriage Feast or Supper of the Lamb” finally paving the way removing “All Sins and the Most Important the original sin humanity inherited to our False Progenitor the Fallen Parents, Adam and Eve. With regards to the Second sort of Ancient Prophets (Like Elijah, John de Baptist, and among others) and in the 19th century leading to this 21st century were the likes of Apollo Quibolloy, the Manalo Brothers of Inglesia Ni Cristo, Eddie Villanueva, Ellie Soriano, Mike Velarde of El Shaddai and among others were the followers and minor Prophets and this modern age the same holds True and elsewhere in the World like the big names, the Rev. Billy Graham, the Rev. Jimmy Swaggart and even the Founder of the Seven Hundred Club who was the persecutor of the Rev. Moon. They were the ones who should have been promoting the Law of God-Parents and making known New Religion of God-Parents and testifying and even proclaiming the God-Parents Words or the New Expression of the Truth or the New Wisdom or New Paradigm of the New Age but only the American Clergy Leadership Conference in USA proclaimed the Rev. Sun Myung Moon and the Rev. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, thee Messianic Leaders / Messianic Figures and Messianic Business Moguls or simply the New Christ-Parents or the New Messiah or New Christ of the closed of 2000 years of New Testament Age or Era. By themselves, they have no power and might but except what they had received from God-Parents and even from the Independent Prophets and continue their works and for them “To Make Straight and Make Known the New Way” for the Major and Independent Prophets, Sent and Anointed by God-Parents and Them Both the very own Divine Lineage and Heavenly Parents heirs. Also as prophesied by past great Seers like Vanga and Nostradamus. The Revelation of the New Expression of the Words of Truth or New Wisdom from God-Parents had finally appeared in full grandeur and in the human race have known the Universal Parents of humanity Centering on Christianity and in unity and oneness. The Returning Lord and Saviour, New Messiah or Christ, together with His Bride and in unity and oneness with Their most Royal True Families of all are the True Children/Grand Children and the rest of Their families where all mankind should be and must be engrafted onto Them. They have come in all Their Beauty of Characters and Loveliness of Attributes so Magnificently Portrayed by the Creators our God-Parents and their Perfected to Perfection, the Divine True Son and Daughter who have sojourned on Urantia as the Universal Everlasting True Son and True Daughter the Universal Everlasting Gods Incarnate, the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr.Hak Ja Han Moon founders of the UNIFICATION (HA-UWC WORLD WIDE) and now the FAMILY CHURCH (FFWPU-WORLD WIDE) and the Religion called UNIFICATIONISM, the most majestic of all Religions not terms of Churches worldwide perse but by the Theology and Doctrines, the Highest and most Majestic Words of Truth. But please doubt not this Kingdom of Heaven now since 2003 and hence leading to 22nd CIG Divine Marriage of our Heavenly Parents on Earth in which the so Greatest Masters had taught to exists within the Shim Jung + True Love + Conscience + Restoration through Indemnity Conditions of so True Love + no complaints and no iota of falsehood/lies but full of honesty/humility and acts of volunteerism and sacrifice ingrained to the bone marrow and in the flesh blood of Humanity and Cosmos save by so amazing grace to humanity and Cosmos, all Their Divine are the Divine Temple and True Love Temple of all HUMANITY AND COSMOS. Before the death of the New Messianic Leader/Messianic Figures and Messianic Business Mogul, Agence France-Presse (AFP) and ABS CBN and ANC Yahoo News Phils have proclaimed about His New and Reformed Christian Church and Religion all other Religions, Races, and Nations on earth or even to every individuals last 3rd September 2012. Please do not be discouraged, the human restoration and transformation are a continuing progress, and the Revelation by Gods to the world in and through the Resurrected Jesus have not failed in the Book of Revelation in the Holy New Testament, the Book of Revelation to St. John the Divine about the New Lamb of God-Parents and in unity and oneness with His “The Bride” are the Eternal Everlasting True and Universal Parents to the throngs of multitude coming from the different races and nations of the entire world. Many time periods had been predicted regarding the Last Days or the Second Coming of Jesus never up there in the Sky (Jesus has been in the Kingdom of Heaven in Spirit World in Book of Acts 1:10-11 but you all have to learn from lessons from the Second Return of Prophet Elijah during the first coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh during His time. It was predicted that Elijah must come first and indeed Elijah did came in the person of John de Baptist. The Ancient Israel were all astonished because they were all expecting that Elijah will descend from heaven but his Second Coming took place by the holy birth in the person of John de Baptist his substantial body who had continued his unfinished missions. In the same way, the Second of Jesus Christ had taken place and were born in the flesh by A True Man and True Woman from the East in a Gentile setting dated 6th of January 1920 while His Bride same date but 1942 while the Rev. Sun Myung Moon born in Hermit Moon Village, North Korea. They came with the Power of Jesus to continue on the unfinished missions of Jesus Christ as well as the other Four Founders of Religions (i.e Gautamma Mettreyya Budhha, Confucius, Hari Krishna and Guru of Shariah Law Hispanic by Prophet Mohammed from PEREZ our beloved Blessed Grandmother, Madame Maxima Adriano-Perez-Alegre also the great “apo” of St. Peter as well as the founders of minor Religions were also the So Great Patriarchs, from JAPHETH to JESUS leading to our True Parents the New Root of Humanity/ Cosmos and unity and oneness and all TORRES-ALEGRE NETWORKS OF TRIBES AND CLANS the world over by our Blessed Parents. Many dates about the Second Coming of Jesus in the sky had been predicted but many Main Stream Christendom including based Faith Christians were all waiting in vain and many now had been frustrated except for a few chosen ones who sincerely prayed unceasingly in tears of lamentation and devotion to the brim unlike many did their own way of interpreting by their so narrow understanding the signs of time and the Holy BIBLE, New Testament which was the repetition of the Holy Old Testament. The predicted dates by many the likes of in 1757 by Emanuel Swedenborg, 1829-09-15 by George Rapp, 1844-10-22 by William Miller and the Millerite Movement, 1874 by Charles Taze Russell, 1981-06-28 by Bill Maupin, even the Pastor of El Shaddai Ministries, predicted September 30, 2008 (Rosh Hashanah) as the potential day of the second coming of Jesus but they were all wrong about the Rupture of the Church but the exact date been history or lessons learned by humanity about Human History were said to be repeated like the Old and New Testament. Jesus had came at the close of 2000 years of the Old Testament Age and had been predicted that His Second Coming born in the flesh had come at the close of the New Testament Age and cross roads of the Old and New Testament as well as also the Coming Spiritual New Renaissance between the years of 1900AD to 1930AD of all the World Great and Ancient Religions of Humanity had renewed belief spiritual belief, the Dawning of the New Age and New Wisdom or New Expression of the Truth with the birth of the New Christs or New Messiahs known as the True Avatars. The New Teachings of Mettayya Buddhas has been a worldwide phenomenal Teachings. The New Bahaullahs fulfilled, completed and perfected to perfection the New Buddhist prophecies. The So Perfected Divine are the Promised Ones of Jews the expected New Messiahs or New Christs for the Greek for Christians and Muslims, the Awaited Second Return of Christ or Messiah in Islam as Isa (Jesus) and Imam Medhi who had returned a second time born in the Flesh to the ends of the world. For the Zoroastrians (Parsees) the Saoshyants, for the Hindus the Kalki Avatars, as well as being for Buddhists the New Metteyya Buddhas. The Renewed Spiritual Guidance and the New Social Teachings had been given and bequeathed by the New and True Bahaullahs. The True Man and True Woman for Confucianist, the Second Coming of the True Chongdoryongs in the Chonggamok and the Returning True Choe Su-un, who had founded the Chondogyo to all FAMILY CHURCH WORLD WIDE and for and on behalf of True Parents Las Vegas Ministry and formerly the Unification Church World Wide covering 194 member nations of the United Nations. Make it known that Perfection is a tedious process and expect not all members have been under the Direct Dominion or Lordship by our Heavenly Parents, the True Parents are Perfect but still they have their own respective responsibilities to perfect Their respective networks of Tribes and Clans of inherited from Their Parents and for new rising ones with fallen natures or bad characters and attitudes which have to be removed and to be polished by works and acts of humility, absolute obedience, absolute love and absolute faith; no lies or falsehood nor pretense but Truth and Honesty, voluntary charity, empathy, voluntary service, no misusing or malversezation of any funds moreover public monies and never ever criticize nor question the Works of The New Christs or Messiahs and Their so Divine and True Families and important are Portion of Human Responsibilities and offering Loves of Jong Song Condition of Indemnity and Monetary Offerings But still Give even you have Nothing to Give and dare to live even fear no death. Indeed the Holy Bible reveals about the New Messiah or Christ and our Gods do nothing without revealing Their plans to all Their servants and prophets (Amos 3:7) and also And it shall come to pass in the Last Days, that the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious. And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord (Gods) shall set their hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people; And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left (Isaiah 11:11 and Micah)… Tributes and the Autobiography By our Blessed Parents as well as the Legacies of the Networks of Tribes and Clans Registered world wide by Social Media one of the most excellent gift of Gods to humanity and to our Blessed Parents, Mssr. Jorge Lumibao-Calimlim-Perez-Alegre whose lineages were from St. Peter and St. Paul and blessed Maxima Adriano-Perez (broods by Perez-Cabazor’s Families and Suarez Families by Tita and Kuya Junior) -Calimlim-Alegre Families by as well all the so Great Gurus of Martial Arts like Guru UESHIBA and investors like Thomas Alba Edison, Hardy Cross the Two, Archimwedes, Newton and the rest who all came from St. Paul and as by St. Peter, Perez meaning Peter the Rock and Worthy of Praise and Blessed Cosme and Jorge Perez-Lumibao-Calimlim-Alegre were lineage, Guru of Ninjutsu 1500AD or Ninjitsu and together with our demised madame Julita Borer-Tolete-Ubana-Alegre, one of the lost lineages, the great-grand daughter of Jesus Christ Ubana (Meaning “The Lamb of God” in John 1:29 ) the First Messianic Figure and also the Four Great Founders of ancient and so great Civilizations as well as Their Apostles the rest of so great minds who invested for the World wide Providence till 22nd Feb CIG Blessing and Direct Blessing and Jesus our Lolo and our Great-Grandma the Original Palace in Cheongpyeong, Korea are also Their lineages by Zacharias/Elizabet, St. Mary and Joseph and John de Baptist, Buddha, Confucius in China, all scattered in Israel and Brazil and also our so beloved ancestors by our blessed Mother lineage, Kublai and Genghis Khan fromMongolia, Shaolin Bhuddist and Confucianist Monks Guru in Five Classics and Doctrines of Means and I Ching from PROC, Bhutan, Tibet, Nepal and India lineage of ELITE WARRIORS GORKHAs as well all the so Great Gurus of Martial Arts as well investors/corporate people/inventors, media practioners, scientists, engineers, artist of arts and composers, teachers, doctors, Church Leaders/social and religious workers, artisans and craftsmen, Chefs and cooks, labourers and so forth and so on as well humble workers in unity and oneness to infinetesimal of True Love centering on the True Families of the True Children and Grand Children and the Families of The Parents, the Messianic Figures / Messianic Leaders and Messianic Business Moguls, our so Divinely so beloved True Parents our Heavenly Parents and God Parents by the entire Cosmos and the Networks of Tribes and Clans by our blessed and Parents In-Laws By my Blessed Parents of my Beloved Better Half : Her Demised Parents Mssr. Herminigildo Toroy-Torres and all their Families and Extensions in unity and oneness with Madame Felixberta Macasilhig Torres Families and Extensions as well the Families and extensions of our many cousins like Delilah Navarro Alegre-Diagne and Family in Senegal her husband National Leader and her Husband Matched by TPs, Rowena Navarra-Badua Families by our beloved Ding Badua, Luz Banaybanay and her Husband’s Families, Marizel Calimlim and families in Busan, South Korea and Blessed Albert Calimlim and Families in Japan, Rowena Navarra-Badua and Families, Amanda/Ae Aaron Ablir and families and extensions, Anna Marietta Raxabago and Joana R. Alegre and Families and extensions by Their Parents/Grandparents, May Garcia Althea Garcia-Alegre and our so beloved broods by our eldest sister Madame Celerina Zaragoza Alegre-Edora (Zaragosa meaning Last name origin & meaning Zaragoza Spanish: habitational name from the city of Zaragoza in northeast Spain, the ancient capital of the kingdom of Aragon. The name derives, via Arabic, from Latin Caesarea Augusta, the name bestowed in the 1st century ad by the Emperor Augustus). Amongst Others. The Networks of Cain and Abel Tribes and Clans by our Blessed Parents we couples by the Families by our blessed Parents and our so Great Patriarchs of all Religions and Very Significant Providential Roles to Finally Have our God-Parents Perfect Sabbath and Perfection to Perfection of the Entire Cosmos and the Remnants of Satan as of This Date of 21 October 2013 for All Eternity In Oneness and in unity our God the Parents True Parents of the Entire Cosmos for on Behalf of All Cosmos and Humanity for All the Glory of God-Parents to the Highest Tenets of Adoration Cosmos, humanity and our blessed parents all our Tributes Centering on the True Families the True Parents known as the Messianic Leaders, Messianic Figure and Business Moguls as Proclaimed and Testified by AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE and ABS CBN AND ANC YAHOO NEW AGENCY PHILS last 3rd September 2012 prior the metamophesied by Him last 12th of September 2012 and the news as recorded in the Facebook Acount of Eng’r/Teacher Missionaries and Religious Workers as the representative by Torres Alegre Clans/Networks/Tribes of our Blessed Parents, us couple will inherit all the Legacies by So many Great Ancestors by our Blessed Parents and we (couple) will continue all Their Works and Lagacies as Connected with the New Providence of the Eternal God-Parents True Parents in Building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as it is Heaven and Through/Centering on the True Families of the Universal True Parents, The Divine Emperor/King of all Kings and the Divine Empress/Queen of all Queens of Heaven, Earth, Humanity, for all Eternity and in the entirety of the Cosmos and the Entire Universe !!! https://facebook/pages/True-Parents-Messiah-Ministries-of-Las-Vegas/379283518765428?ref=stream https://facebook/TongilGroup.Official https://facebook/pages/Heung-Jin-Moon-문흥진/396836740334968?ref=stream https://facebook/hyunjinpmoon — with Alfredo Alegre and Cham Bumonim.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 03:32:43 +0000

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